| Part 33 |

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"And remember to hand in your homework if you haven't already!" The teacher spoke over the bell, watching her students put their supplies away. One student, in particular, was in a rush to leave the classroom. "Park Jimin!"

Stiff as ever, Jimin turned towards his teacher. She frowned, "I noticed you weren't participating in any of the class discussions today... Is everything okay?" Her eyes were colored with worry as she looked down at the sullen boy.

"Just a headache."

And just as quickly as he answered, he slipped out of the classroom. Taehyung had watched him the entire time, biting his lip in confusion. Namjoon was nose-deep in homework when Taehyung approached him; shrugging whenever anyone asked about Jimin's mood.

"Joon," there was a slight mumble in his voice, and when Namjoon looked up, Taehyung was pouting.


"He didn't wait for me like he usually does..."

"He'll meet us upstairs, it's okay," he reassured him while collecting his things.

Taehyung quickly did the same. He knew his president wouldn't do anything until they were in the other classroom. No one stood in their way as they walked in the halls; Hoseok and Seokjin met them in the cafeteria. As usual, they cut in line to receive their food and walked up to the meeting room.

No one had much to say besides the occasional complaint about homework or a project. Approaching the mahogany door, Seokjin heard a familiar cough from inside. Instinctively, he opened the door to greet his friend.

"Hey, Min Yoongi!" 

Seokjin knows he can be seen as careless, but he is careful around Yoongi. Obviously, this student is good at keeping secrets... Who knows what else he could be hiding? Still, they're friends and he has no reason to treat him differently.

Yoongi lifted his head from his phone, "Hey."

"So glad you didn't forget," Namjoon smiled as everyone trickled in.

"How could I?"

Seokjin snorted.

"Well, we're waiting on Park Jimin now. Why don't we talk about something else in the meantime?" Namjoon threw the ball, expecting someone to catch it. Seokjin slid into the seat next to Yoongi, Hoseok on his right. Taehyung took it upon himself to lean next to the closest window. "Hoseok?"

"What?" Surprise took over Hoseok before he spoke on autopilot, "Oh! Have you guys heard about Minutes to Days 2?" Namjoon sat down on Yoongi's right and began eating.

"They're making a sequel already?" Seokjin asked, mouth full of food.

"Yeah! Have you seen Minutes to Days, Yoongi?" When Yoongi told him he hadn't seen it, Hoseok gasped. "I thought everyone watched it."

"Jimin's dad is in it," Seokjin started. "His character dies, though."

"Hey! That's a spoiler, Jin!"

"It's in the first 20 minutes!"

"You still shouldn't spoil it," Taehyung mumbled behind a hamburger.

Hoseok giggled at his messy eating, "He's right. Maybe we should all watch it together one day! Would you like to, Yoongi?"

Yoongi wished he had gotten food or something to focus on while they chatted. He felt very out of place, even with Hoseok trying to spread his positivity through his words. It also doesn't help that they know.

"Uh, sure, I like movies I guess."

"That's a good idea," Namjoon pointed out. "I miss movie nights with the others."

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