"What happened?!"
The entire restaurant was enveloped in the hushed darkness. It's as if the world went still, and the two adults try to wrap their heads around it. Heavy breaths filled the air.
Seeing this opportunity, he broke the zip tie across his stomach. The noise didn't go unnoticed, and the chef reached his hand out to grab Yoongi. His hand met nothing but the wall as Yoongi ducked down and ran around the baffled man.
"Get the guy so we can leave!" The other yelled.
Getting to the end of the hall, Yoongi saw the front of the restaurant. The windows let in just enough moonlight that he wasn't completely blind. Unfortunately, his brain was on overdrive trying to come up with an idea that saved him.
Suddenly, fast sets of footsteps were quickly approaching him. Abandoning his brainstorming, he hid under the wooden counter.
"He couldn't have left. I'll check upstairs and you check here." The chef agreed to the other's plan and began checking every corner of the room. The other man disappeared up the stairs.
Yoongi didn't have many options left. That bear-sized man would easily overpower him if he tried to fight him. Not to mention the pot in the chef's hand that he could bludgeon Yoongi with. If he snuck away into the kitchen, he might be able to lure him in there and hit him with something.
Then he could-
"This little piggy's not getting far without keys," The chef shouted out.
Then he could take the keys from him.
It was a solid plan if he acted quickly. The only problem was getting from his corner of safety to the kitchen without being spotted. He pondered creating a quick distraction with the lights but froze at the voice.
"Come out already, I'm tired of looking."
What froze him was how close the chef's voice was. He was sure that if he peeked his head out he'd get caught instantly.
"Could the piggy be by the register?..."
He held his breath as if that would stop him from getting caught. Closing his eyes, he tried to channel the concentration he had earlier. The universe didn't seem to be on his side because the lights turning back on didn't bother him at all.
The chef spread his hand on the counter, leaning over slowly when a gunshot rang through the tense air.
"If you move, I won't hesitate to shoot," Sir threatened lowly. The lights had just suddenly turned off and it made him more uneasy.
Daewon stopped yelling since he suspected that the police were here to save him. Plus, he didn't want to push his luck. Not until his chances of survival were higher.
"I can see..." Sir started, "You're not scared anymore..."
Daewon furrowed his eyebrows at his statement. This man just said he could see even though the lights were out. He dared to speak, "...What d-do you mean you can see?"
Sir chuckled to himself, "You wouldn't believe me. 'The man who can see emotions'... Sounds bizarre, right?"
"N-No, it's-" A bright light blinded Daewon for a second before he realized Sir had turned on the flashlight on his phone. He pointed the gun at him firmly in front of the light.
"It doesn't matter. I didn't want this-" Sir's hand started to shake as he placed his finger on the trigger. A sign that he doesn't usually do this. "-but I have to adapt."

SuperB || BTS FF
Fantasia"Super Boys? Don't you think that's a little too obvious?" "You're right..." Taehyung picked up the chalk and scribbled out the last three letters. "SuperB? I like it! We're Team SuperB!" --- A random story I wrote at 3 am about BTS with superpowers