
3K 59 3

(C/h/n/n) - childhood nickname

(Y/n) - your name

(H/l) - hair length

(H/c) - hair colour

(E/c) - eye colour

(F/c) - Favorite colour

(S/c) - skin colour

Third person pov

(Y/n) woke up to the sound of Kou and Yuma arguing about something. She grumbled and got out of bed to get herself ready for the school day. She washed her (h/l) (h/c) hair before drying it. She looked herself in the mirror and saw the tired (e/c) eyes looking back at her. She sighs and gets her uniform on. She trudged down the stairs to where her four older brothers were.

(Y/n) pov

I sigh as I see Kou and Yuma in a bickering match. 'These bloody idiots woke me up just to fucking argue.' I thought.

"Would you stop singing. All you do is sing around the place." Yuma shouted at Kou.

"You are just jealous because I get all the attention from all the females at school." Kou replied.

"Tch, would you two shut up. I was having a nice sleep, and then I was woken up, rudely, may I add, by your nonsensical bickering." I grumbled, sitting down at the table.

"Good morning (Y/n)." Ruki said, closing his book. "I hope you remember what we spoke about last night." He continued.

"Yes brother, I remember."


Ruki warned me last night to stay away from six brothers called the Sakamaki brothers. I was confused to who they were as he, and my other brothers, haven't mentioned them before until now, which to me seems odd as I haven't heard of them before even when wondering around school. All I hear about is how 'hot' Kou is. If only they knew how irritating he is at home.

"Ah, (Y/n). I wanted to let you know that we will be having a guest over tonight for a few days possibly." Yuma said once he finished bickering with Kou.

"Who?" I questioned.

"You will find out after school." Yuma said. I nod and drop the subject. Ruki stands up, catching the attention of the whole table.

"I quite honestly don't want a guest to come over. I'm sure (Y/n) doesn't want it either." Azusa said in his normal monotone voice. I nodded slightly in agreement. I haven't really liked having people come over, I tend to go to my room and stay there until they leave, but as this person is staying, then I have to socialise with them.

"You both might not want that, but unfortunately, it is happening. We better get going." Ruki said, walking away from the table and to where the car is parked waiting. I sigh and get up, following him. Kou came skipping over and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You should have seen all the girls that followed me around the other day." Kou laughed. I sigh, knowing he was only doing this to annoy Yuma, who is constantly telling him to stop being so dramatic when he isn't working. "But then I remember it's me, and I'm famous." He continued.

"Oh please do shut up. We all know you get all the attention. We can't walk through the fucking halls without bumping into some fangirl swooning over you saying how hot you are. Honestly, I don't see it. I'm surprised they do. They must be blind."

"Hey, that's mean. Be nice to your older brother."

"It's the truth. I'm surprised a mirror hasn't broken yet." I smirk knowing I got to him as I stick my tongue out at him. Kou is walking next to me with his arm still around my shoulders pouting.

"Ha, she got you on that one singer boy." Yuma said laughing and giving me a high five.

"You shouldn't be mean to your older brother (Y/n)." Kou grumbled.

"Aw, I'm sorry Kou. Can you forgive me?" I asked sarcastically as we got in the car.

"I'll think about it and come back to you with my answer." He said, looking away from me, still pouting. I rolled my eyes and went into my own thoughts when the car started its journey to the school.

'I wonder who this guest is and who are these Sakamaki brothers?' I thought while looking out the window.

If only I knew that today was the day my quiet school life becomes a mess, and people found out that I am the youngest Mukami sibling. Today is the day I meet the Sakamaki brothers.

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