Chapter Nine

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Ruki's POV

This was all my fault. Kou told me that he couldn't find (Y/n). At first, I thought he was lying to get back at me for what I did, but when I went and had a look around the school, I also couldn't find her. I was panicking so much that I couldn't think straight. My little sister has been taken, and I was the one who caused it. I need to get her back, but how am I to get her back? What if they are lying and won't return her when we return Yui?

I was panicking all the way home, but I wasn't the only one. The only person who wasn't panicking was Yui. Azusa was looking at her neck all the way home, which made her uncomfortable, but I didn't care. My thoughts were on my baby sister, who I failed to protect. It was my job as the eldest to keep everyone in this family safe and I fucked up big time.

Getting into the house, I went straight to my room and threw the book I was holding at the wall. I'm such an idiot. If I listened to what Kou said and didn't go with what we decided, this wouldn't have happened. Please be okay (Y/n). We will get you back soon, I promise.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking around the garden looking at all the white roses. I touched the fragile petals and smiled. It reminded me of my favourite place to go with Kou and Azusa. My smile soon turned sad when I thought of them and how worried they must be. I want them to find me and take me away from here.

"You okay?" I jumped when I heard Subaru's voice.

"Subaru, you scared me." I put my hand on my chest and sighed. "Yes, I'm okay." I continued looking back at the roses.

"That smile you just had was sad."

"Oh. I was thinking about my brothers. The roses reminded me of them. There is a place that I love going to, and during this season, the blossom falls from the trees, making the path look like it is covered in snow." I smiled again.

"Sounds like a nice place. I would like to see it one day." He smiled at me, and I looked at him in shock. "Sorry, did I say the wrong thing?" He continued panicked.

"No, not at all. It's just that it's an extremely special place to me that I don't want to take just anyone there. You know?" I said, looking away, embarrassed.

"I understand completely." He said quiet enough for only me to hear as he took my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, making me look up at him. I looked up into his red eyes. They were full of emotion, but I couldn't read them well. He then held up a white rose with the thorns removed.

"Subaru?" I looked at the rose then back at him. I couldn't move my head as he still had hold of my chin.

"It's for you." He smiled. I take the rose and smile slightly.

"Thank you, Subaru." He let my chin go, and I looked down at the rose.

"Did you know you have beautiful eyes?" I look up at him shocked.

"I- Thank you." I was embarrassed by the compliment, but it was sweet of him to give me one. He brushed some of my hair out of my face and behind my ear. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't used to this kind of thing.

Subaru's POV

Looking into (Y/n)'s eyes, I just got lost in them. I told her how beautiful they were, and she seemed shocked by the compliment. Some of her hair fell into her face, and I don't know what came over me, but I moved it out of her face and behind her ear. My fingers lightly brushed her cheek as I looked at her, and I could feel that they were heating up. I stepped away from her and smiled. She smiled back at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

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