Chapter five

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(Y/n)'s POV

That night, Kou stayed with me. I didn't go and join the others for dinner, but Kou did bring up two plates of food. One for me and the other for himself. He kept comforting me and telling me that it would be okay. When we first got into my room, I spoke to him about the events of the day, and he just listened. This is why I speak to Kou and Azusa because they listen and don't try and think of a solution unless they know that I want one. The other two, they don't listen and always try to come up with a solution.

The next day was a weekend, so I spoke to Kou about us going out somewhere for a walk. I didn't want to stay in this house with that annoying girl any longer. I want her gone. I want her to shut up. Her voice bugs me so much.

"Yeah, we can go out. Name the place and we will go there." Kou said, smiling at me.

"Can we go to that little wooded area we always went to when one of us were upset?" I asked, and Kou nodded in response. I hugged him and went to the bathroom as he left to change as he was still in his clothes from yesterday. I met him in the hallway, and he walked with me downstairs.

"Where are you two going?" Azusa asked.

"Just heading out for a walk. Do you want to join Azusa?" I asked. He nodded in response and joined us on our way out. Neither of us saw Ruki or Yui, and honestly, I didn't care. They have both upset me.

We saw Yuma tending to his plants. He looked over to us and gave us all a sad smile before going back to what he was doing. We all left and went to the wooded area I was talking about.

The trees made an arc over the footpath. The blossom from the flowers dusted the path and made it look like snow was on the floor. I always loved coming to this place when I was younger. Me and Kou would go running around and play when I had a bad day. Sometimes, Azusa would join us, and it would be amazing. They were always my happiest memories.

I looked around mesmerised by the beauty of the place. Even though I have been here many times, it still manages to take my breath away. A small smile comes to my lips. I've always had a dream of bringing the one I fall in love with here to show them my safe space other than their arms. It's a silly dream that all young girls have, but sometimes you just have to dream, right?

Azusa's POV

Kou and I walked behind (Y/n) as she walked along. The small smile she got from just being at this place made me happy to see. I remember her telling the two of us that she wants to one day bring the one she falls in love with here. I look over to Kou and see that he is smiling.

"Do you remember what she told us when she was younger?" I asked.

"Her wanting to bring the one she falls in love with here?" He questioned.

"Yeah. Why do you think she wants to bring them here?"

"This is her safe space where she won't be judged for being who she is."

"I've always thought it was because this place can be quite romantic." I thought out loud.

"That could be another reason as well. This place can actually be a really good date spot. Sitting under the trees with the blossom falling. It's really romantic." Kou chuckled and looked around before looking back at me.

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