Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Y/n)'s POV

After the 'argument' with Shu, I went to my classes to avoid him. After school I went straight to the car. I said bye to the other Sakamaki brothers, but I didn't say bye to Shu. I was honestly hurt that he would say what he did, even if he was jealous. I have only ever had eyes for him and only him, he should know that, but yet he still snaps at me for being on the roof at the same time as Subaru. 

I was in the car with my brothers on the way back to the house. They didn't speak much and they didn't mention what happened at lunch knowing that it would upset me more that what I am already. For once Ruki and Yuma didn't try and find a way to fix it like they normally do. Kou was sitting next to me in the car and when we stopped at the house he came with me to my room. 

"You should rest, (c/h/n/n)." Kou sighed as he sat next to me on the bed. 

"Bunny?" I asked.

"Yes?" Kou replied.

"Why would he get so angry over something so silly?"

"He probably wasn't thinking straight. It'll sort itself out soon. First you need to rest or you won't be thinking straight."

"Okay. Thank you, Bunny." I said, smiling at kou. He smiled back and kissed the top of my head before leaving my room. I got changed into my nightdress and curled up on my bed.

Kou's POV

I walked down to the others at the table. They looked at me before resuming their conversation about what happened at lunch. The main thing that was being asked is if (Y/n) would want to stay home from school tomorrow. I honestly think she might actually take that offer as she showed that she doesn't want to talk to him after today, not until he apologises at least.

"She asleep?" Azusa asked.

"I don't know, but I did tell her to get rest. You can check to see if she is asleep." I replied. Azusa nodded in reply.

"What do you think about her staying home tomorrow?" Yuma asked.

"She might take up the offer. She is really broken up about what happened. She didn't even make an effort to say bye to him today when he is normally the first one she says bye to." I replied. The others nodded and it was decided that tomorrow we would remain at home to keep (Y/n) company and to make sure that she is okay.

Ayato's POV

Getting home was an interesting one. Laito, Reiji, Subaru, and I remained quiet through the whole drive. Kanato was yelling at Shu for what he did and that he upset (Y/n) and for that he was an idiot, which we all agree with. Yui, surprisingly, stuck up for (Y/n) saying that Shu was in the wrong and that he should apologise for what he said all because he was jealous. Shu responded to all of them by telling them to shut up, which only angered everyone further. Getting out of the car Shu went to the gazebo and the rest of us went to the lounge. 

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised if little devil doesn't want to come to school." Laito sighed.

"I highly doubt she will be there tomorrow. She went to her classes after and refused to say anything to Shu." Reiji commented. "He deserves it after what he pulled at the lunch table, but even so, that shows how upset princess is." He continued.

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