Chapter Twenty-one

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(Y/N)’s POV
Getting home from school was nice, but I missed being with Shu already. It was odd how not long ago I was hating being with the Sakamaki’s because they took me away from my brothers, well, I could only deal with Shu and Subaru, then obviously Ayato and Laito. Now I like being there, but that is because of my relationship with Shu. Without Shu, I am sure I would have gone crazy there. Having Shu to talk to just made things a little more bearable. I obviously liked Ayato, Laito, and Subaru being there, but Shu was the main person.

I head to my room and get changed from my uniform. When I leave my room, I bump into Kou. I look at him and smile. He takes my hand without saying a work and took me to his room. I look at him confused and we sat on his bed.

“What’s wrong, Kou?” I asked concerned.

“Nothing. I just wanted to speak with you.”

“Oh. What about?”

“I really think you should get back into playing the piano more often. Like Ayato said, it’s something you want to keep as a secret and I get that, but it would be nice to hear you play more.” I look at Kou surprised. “I just think that it’s a waste to have that talent to not be used.”

“Like I said in the music room, maybe I will play a little more, but I don’t want everyone finding out about it. Well, not yet at least.” Kou nodded as he listened to me. “I only played today because I felt comfortable to, and I wanted Shu to know that I could play. I wasn’t expecting you and Ayato to be in the area to hear me playing. It was a surprise when you both arrived, but after a while it was nice to have Ayato knowing that I can play as well.”

“I understand, (c/h/n/n). I will keep quiet about it, and I know Shu and Ayato would do the same. I don’t see them upsetting you over something like this knowing how important it is to you. I’m glad to hear that you didn’t learn to just make me happy.”

“I did to start with. Making you happy was my main goal out of it and when I knew I did make you happy that made me happy. But the more I played the more I realised that it was helping me as well.” I smiled and got up. “I’m going to grab something to eat then I’m going to bed.” I leave his room and he soon follows after to join me at the kitchen table with the others. I had a small amount to eat before going to my room.

I sit on my bed and look out the window. I start to remember the time of when I was younger, and the way things used to be.

“Ruki, can I join in with the game!?” I asked excitedly. Running over to my four older brothers who were about to play hide and seek.

“Tch, go away squirt. This isn’t a game for you.” He hissed at me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

“Ruki, she can play hide and seek. She isn’t much younger than Azusa and he is allowed to play.” Kou pointed out.

“No, she isn’t allowed to play. Girls are bad at hiding.” Yuma spat. My eyes go wide, and I run off crying. As they played outside, I was sat in the window on the piano stall watching them play. Small hiccups escape my lips as I try and hold back the tears threatening to keep falling. They soon stop playing and go and do their own things. Azusa passed where I was heading in the direction of the stairs, Ruki and Yuma stayed outside, and Kou went somewhere else in the house.

“Now they aren’t playing, maybe I can join in.” I thought, feeling hopeful. I hop off the stool and run outside. I first go to Ruki.

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