Chapter Fourteen

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Third person POV

The next day came around, and (Y/n) would wake to the normal sound of her brothers arguing. She would walk down the stairs and sit down with them sighing. The day was just a blur to her. It started the same and ended the same. She avoided Shu the whole day. This went on for two weeks. She would avoid Shu as much as she could. She went to her classes, she didn't play attention, but she went to them. She only spoke to her brothers, Laito, and Ayato. She bumped into Subaru now and again, and they would have quick conversations, but she never tried to find Shu to speak to him. She was scared of rejection and didn't know that Shu was as well.

The day after Shu helped Ayato and Laito drop off (Y/n)'s things, he was hoping to see her at school, but he never got the chance. She was always gone when he asked her brothers where she was. She was never in the same places where they would bump into each other. He was starting to get worried. The two weeks passed, and he was really concerned now. He knew that she was at school because Ayato and Laito would talk about her a lot and what they spoke about when they bumped into each other in the halls. That is when he knew that she was avoiding him. He couldn't go on with her avoiding him. It broke his heart to hear that she is avoiding him and without her to talk to each day became unbearably boring and dull.

(Y/n)'s POV

It was now the weekend of the second week of not seeing or speaking to Shu. I told my brothers that I was going to the blossom arc. Kou and Azusa asked if I wanted them to come with me, but I wanted to be on my own this time and clear my thoughts. I take the short walk to the arc and look at all the petals on the floor. I lean against a tree and sigh, closing my eyes.

About, possibly, an hour later, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I didn't play much mind to them as it probably was Kou or Azusa coming to see if I was okay like they normally did when I came here alone. I felt the person stop in front of me, but they didn't say anything. I frown slightly, then slowly open my eyes. I looked up, and my eyes went wide with who stood in front of me.

"Shu..." I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what to say.

"You have been avoiding me since the day Ayato and I dropped your stuff off. Why?" He asked. He was clearly annoyed, but I heard hurt as well.

"I..." I look away from him. "I-I've just been needing a bit of space." I lied. He made me look at him by taking my chin between his thumb and pointer finger.

"Angel, you know you can't lie to me. Just tell me why you have been avoiding me." He softly said this time.

I sigh and look off to the side. "I haven't been avoiding you intentionally..." I was cut off.

"Angel, don't lie to me. It hurts that you don't seem to trust me anymore with your feelings." His voice was laced with hurt.

I sigh. "Have you ever liked someone to the point that you fear the possible rejection you could get from them?" I asked.

"Yes. I feel like that right now."

"Oh... there is someone you like?" I bite my lip, slightly nervous of his answer.

"I very much like this person."

"What is it that you like about them?"

"The way her eyes sparkle in the light, how she bites her bottom lip slightly when she is embarrassed or nervous. Her voice is music to my ears, and she makes me feel complete when she is with me. Her eyes always get brighter when she is happy." His voice was soft and gentle when he spoke, and a small smile was forming.

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