Chapter Eight

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Ayato's POV

I woke up the next day and stretched. Today was the start of not going to school until we get Yui back. I do want to find (Y/n) and annoy her a bit. I have to admit her attitude and her quick comebacks isn't something I'm used to getting from other people but my brothers.

I stretch again and get out of bed. I shower and get dressed before leaving my room and walking down the halls to find the room Subaru put (Y/n) in. I had an instinct to go to where his and Shu's rooms are. I slowly walk down the halls till I get to Subaru's room. I can hear he was up and moving around. I go to the room next to his and it was quiet. I go to the room opposite and hear a little movement. I smirk and open the door harshly having it bang against the wall. I hear a yelp of shock as someone sits up in the bed.

"What the fuck!?" (Y/n) shouted. I laughed at her reaction, but it was short lived when Subaru and Shu's doors flew open, and they came out.

"Ayato, why are you making so much noise?" Shu grumbled.

"Don't blame me, blame (Y/n) here for screaming." I sighed.

"I'm going to punch you." (Y/n) said.

"So violent." I smirked.

"Only to the most special of people."

"And who are those special people?"

"Assholes like you who wake me up." She hissed. She got out of her bed, and I noticed she was wearing some of Shu's clothes. The shirt was a dress on her, and you could just about see the shorts underneath. I blushed slightly and quickly leave.

Shu's POV

I heard the yelp of surprise come from (Y/n)'s room. I leapt out of bed and ran to my door not bothering to pick up a shirt. I throw the door open and quickly left. Subaru left his room at the same time, but he had a shirt on unlike me.

I go to (Y/n)'s room and saw it was Ayato that scared her. I was, to say the least, pissed at him for waking me up, but also scaring (Y/n).

"Ayato, why are you making so much noise?" I grumbled.

"Don't blame me, blame (Y/n) here for screaming." Ayato sighed.

"I'm going to punch you." (Y/n) said.

"So violent." Ayato smirked.

"Only to the most special of people."

"And who are those special people?"

"Assholes like you who wake me up." She hissed at Ayato. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Subaru smirk slightly. (Y/n) then got out of bed. She had on my shirt and shorts that I gave her. The shirt was a dress on her and if you didn't see the hem of the shorts, it would look like she was just wearing the shirt. I saw Ayato blush before he promptly left his cheeks still a light pink. Ayato wasn't the only one who was blushing though. I could feel my cheeks heating up a little and Subaru was almost glowing red. He also promptly left leaving me stood there.

"Are you okay?" I asked in my normal monotone voice.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." She sighed and looked up at me. Her eyes drift down to my uncovered chest and she blushes. "Sorry for waking you." She continued, looking down.

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