Chapter Ninteen

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Laito's POV

I was in the garden with Little Bitch, sat on one of the many benches around the place. The smell of her blood was intoxicating, so I decided to push her down on the bench and take her let and bite the inside of her thigh.

"Laito, please stop. That hurts." Yui whined and struggled to get away from me. I didn't listen and carried on drinking her blood. "(Y/n), Shu!?" That is all it took for me to let go of Yui's thigh and look over to Shu and (Y/n), and to say she looked pissed was an understatement. Yui took this chance to get up and run off. Shu followed her with his eyes before looking back at me, (Y/n) was looking at the little drops of blood. I've never seen her feed, so I don't know if she has had any blood. Maybe, she is one of the weird people who drink animal blood.

"I think I'm going to puke." (Y/n) mumbled before walking away, Shu hot on her tail. I sigh and get up and follow them. I wanted to scold her for interrupting once again. This girl is making a habit of doing this. Once at the school and now here.

"Oi Feisty!" I shouted at her once we were in the lounge.

"Tch, what do you want pervert?"

"Don't call me that, I don't like it."

"That's a shame for you. I think the nickname fits you perfectly." She hisses. Shu sighs as he siss in the window to watch the two of us.

"I've stopped calling you feisty, apart from just now, but you don't have a new nickname for me."

"I think pervert works perfectly well."

"I think nosy bitch will work well for you then."

"And why would that be?"

"You have interrupted me twice now. Once at school and this one now."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you don't notice that both situations were in places anyone could walk in on you. Unfortunately, it happened to be me twice, Pervert."

Shu's POV

I was currently sat in the lounge with Laito and (Y/n) arguing in the middle of the room.

"No..." Laito yelled.

"No, you didn't notice? Wow, you are stupid." (Y/n) said sarcastically. Cutting Laito off.

"No, I don't like that nickname. Stop calling me a pervert." Laito sighed in reply.

"I wouldn't call you a pervert is you don't do half the shit you do." (Y/n) hissed in reply.

"What I do in my room doesn't concern you!"

"If you were in your room yes, it wouldn't concern me. In the bloody garden, it fucking concerns everyone who sees it!"

"Shu, do you agree with her?"

"Don't bring him into this, you whiny bitch."

"What did you call me?!"

"I called you a whiny bitch."

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