Chapter Twenty-Five

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(Y/n)'s POV

Shu and I have been trying to get some private time, more that what his and my brothers allow. We have sneaked off a few time, but they have always managed to find us. Last night I locked our room door to keep his brothers out. My brothers were over for dinner and we left the table early. My brothers spent the night and I know that Ruki wants to give me a scolding for locking the door and not answering when he knocked on the door. I suppose I can make up some lie of we were both asleep, but he won't buy that. 

"Angel, you need to get up." Shu chuckled.

"No. If I don't leave then they can't shout at me." I grumbled.

"I'm leaving, so they will be able to come in." He laughed.

"Then don't go."

"I have to."


"I'm hungry."

"Ugh, so am I. Fine I'll leave." I get out of bed and start getting dressed when Shu kissed me on the neck. I hummed and leaned back into his touch. 

"On second thoughts." He chuckled.

"Babe, don't give my brothers any more reason to be annoyed." I replied.

"They need to get used to this eventually."

"I'm their baby sister, of course they would be concerned about this kind of-" I squeal in shock as Shu spun me around. He slams his lips onto mine and I moan into the kiss with the ferocity of it. He walked me backwards and I fell onto the bed with him between my legs.

"You might be their sister, but you are mine." He growled. I looked at him and chuckled. 

"Don't get possessive. There is no one else I would want to be with." I pulled him to me and kissed him, but there was a knock on the door so we pulled away. Shu got up and pulled me up with him. He threw on some clothes and I put mine on. When Shu opened the door I was brushing my (h/l) (h/c). I smile and wave to Kou.

"Ruki is getting angry." Kou said.

"Tell him to stop treating me like a 10 year old." I sighed. I left the room with Shu and walked down to where the others were. i glared at Ruki as I walked in.

"What have you been doing?"

"Waking up and debating if I wanted to talk to you. Why are you so grumpy?"

"(Y/n), I know that us keeping an eye on you is wrong, that is why we aren't going to be doing it any more." I scoff at what Ruki said. 

"You have only just realised that it's not okay to do what you have been doing? With you lot looking over our shoulders we haven't been able to be ourselves. Locking the door was the only way for us to be alone and it shouldn't be like that at all." I replied clearly angry. Shu wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Angel, try and calm down." Shu whispered into my ear. I nod and sit down with the others. Soon everyone fell into normal conversation.

Time skip 2 years

Shu's POV

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