Chapter one

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Upon pulling up to the front of the school, I am the first one to get out. I just manage to slip away as the fangirls come running over to squeal about Kou. I blend easily into the quickly forming crowd and get into the school.

I wander around for a bit until I find a quiet place. I head towards that area before I stop abruptly hearing voices.

"I'm so hungry. Let me just have a small taste." The unknown male voice said.

"Subaru..." A girl says before the wind is knocked out of her, and she whimpers in pain, and then the smell of her blood gets to me. The male, who the female called Subaru, has bitten her. Instead of getting involved, I turn and leave to find another quiet place to go.

I found a stairwell that was quiet. I slide down the wall and sit on the floor, resting my head against the wall. I sigh quietly to myself as I close my eyes. 'I can get a few minutes to sleep before the bell goes for classes.' I thought, getting myself comfortable, but that is short-lived as someone comes walking over to me.

"(Y/n). You shouldn't be sleeping in the hallway." Yuma whispered to me.

"Piss off, Yuma. I just want the extra few minutes you and Kou stole from me this morning." I hiss.

"In a temper today, then."

"I thought that would have been obvious from the conversation at home, you idiot." I open one eye to look at him. "You are slow with figuring things out like this." I continue, closing my eye.

"Ouch (Y/n)." Yuma said, letting out a laugh.

"Ugh, go away. I came here to get some quiet time before classes, but you have to find me and destroy that small amount of piece I found. And I am called the cruel one." Yuma laughs again and walks away. I sigh and get ready to sleep when the bell goes off. I get up and go to class. I sit at the back and rest my head on the desk. Kou was the second person to come in, and he waved at me, with which I responded by flipping him off and turning my head towards the window. Soon, all the other students came in and went to their seats.

I hate school. Half the crap that is taught here isn't useful, and the other half is just boring crap that they tell us we need. Seems like that is the only thing I have in common with the other idiots in this place. Something that isn't known about me is that I'm the younger sister to Ruki, Yuma, Kou, and Azusa. It's nice being their sister. Sure, they can be irritating with the bickering, but them being protective over me is infuriating sometimes. I get that I'm the youngest and a female, but why must they have to protect me all the time.

I'm broken from my thoughts with the bell ringing, signalling its lunch. I grab my bag and leave the room. Like when coming into school, I wander around the school looking for a quiet place. I slide open a classroom door to see a blond girl with an orange hair boy wearing a fedora. The girl is being pinned to a table with the fedora wearing boy lifting one of her legs up. I close the door and walk away in complete disgust at what I just saw. 

I turn and start to walk away hoping to get away as quick as possible, but the door to the classroom is violently thrown open, causing me to turn around, and the boy walks out, coming towards me with a hard glare. The girl takes the chance and runs off, I glance over, and he follows where I am looking.

"Oi little bitch, I didn't say you could go!" He shouts. "Tch, you just had to walk in on us. Who the hell are you?" This boy, now stood in front of me demanded.

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