Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/n)'s POV

I wake up Monday morning feeling more refreshed than I have before. I shower and get dressed before going to the dining room. I was there before Yuma. Ruki, Kou, and Azusa were already there.

"Wow, you are up early." Ruki said.

"I had a good sleep." I said, sitting between Kou and Azusa

"Kou! Oh, hey (Y/n)." Yuma said, surprised to see me. I laughed at him and had breakfast. We all got in the car, and like always, I looked out the window on the ride there.

Getting to school, I noticed the Sakamaki's arrived at the same time.

"Cupcake!" Ayato shouted.

"Cupcake?" Yuma and Kou questioned before the screams of the fangirls started. I laugh and go over to Ayato.

"Hello, Ayato." I smiled at him.

"So, what do you have planned today? Skip or go to classes."

"Ayato, shut up. I've just gotten back, and Ruki will tell me off for skipping classes, and he doesn't know." I whisper yelled at him.

"Actually, I have known for a while... Cupcake." Ruki said from behind me.

"Oh...." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey! Only yours truly can call her cupcake." Ayato shouted at Ruki. Ruki looked at Ayato and laughed. He... laughed. I stood there with my mouth wide, watching him.

"BITCH WHAT!" I shouted while looking at him.

"(Y/n), language." Ruki scolded.

"English." I replied. Ayato laughed.

"Good to have the old (Y/n) back." Ayato said.

"Oi feisty." Laito said as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Ugh, Laito, I've told you to not call me that." I grumble.

"So, we have cupcake and oi feisty." Ruki commented.

"Ugh this is not going to be a good day." I mumble.

"Teddy is happy to see you again (Y/n)." Kanato said with a smile.

"I'm happy to see you both as well." I glare at the other two. "At least one of you triplets can use my actual name." I spat out at them.

"Oi feisty don't be like that." Laito said smirking at me.

"I said don't... call... me... that." I hit him on the back of the head knocking his fedora off. I could feel someone glaring at me, I turn and see that it was Yui.

"Ouch. You didn't need to do that." Laito mumbled.

"Yes I did." I grumbled. Ruki was watching us laughing. Yui hissed at us and started walking away.

"Oi little bitch aren't you going to say hi to the one who got you out of there?" Laito hissed.

"Tch. I'm going in." I shrugged Laito's arm off me and walked away into the school. I went to the stairwell and sat down. I wanted to stay away from Shu and Subaru as much as I can today.

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