Chapter Twenty-Four

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Shu's POV

After the day on the roof (Y/n) and I have gotten much closer, in more ways than one, but unfortunately my charming brothers Ayato, Subaru, and Laito have been cock blocking, but neither of us mind much. That's a lie, it's pissing me off. We have been going to the blossom arc as much as we can before either of our brothers can get in the way. Currently, that is where we are. 

"Shu, how about we change it up a bit and you come over to ours next week?" (Y/n) asked, as she sat on my lap under one of the blossom trees. I looked at her and smiled. 

"If your brothers are happy about it." I replied.

"I'll talk to them. They should be fine with it, as long as we-"

"don't get up to anything." I groaned, interrupting her. 

"Shu, you can't be annoyed at them for cock blocking."

"I can and I will." I pull her closer to me so that she had to turn around and and straddle me. "I don't like how they are doing this." 

"Babe, they are just being the typical older brothers." She leans into me so her chest was pushing up against mine. She kissed me softly.

"Laito, Subaru, and Ayato aren't your older brothers."

"They are like older brothers to me. Reiji isn't really included in that."

"He might have something to say about that. He seems to be treating you like one of the family now. He doesn't like Ruki."

"Ruki doesn't like him. Much." I hum slightly and wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her and she doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. It doesn't take long for the kiss to get heated. I move my hands down to her thighs where I pull her closer deepening the kiss further. She moans slightly into the kiss and it drove me insane. She moved her hips slightly and I grunted in approval she moved again and I squeezed her thighs and she moaned. I broke the kiss and was breathing heavily. She looked at me and smiled. 

"They are going to kill us when they find out about this." She said between deep breaths. I laughed and kiss her again. 

(Y/n)'s POV

Shu pulled away from the second kiss and I smiled. I smiled back as I run my hands up over his stomach and then to his chest. I start to slowly unbutton his shirt when someone walked over to us. I stopped and looked up to see Asuza. I looked at Shu and he sighed buttoning up his shirt. I moved away from Shu and stood up and Shu soon followed after after.

"Kou wanted me to find you both." Asuza said.

"Why didn't he come himself." Shu asked. I slapped him lightly on the chest. He looked at me and shrugged.

"What does he need us for?" I asked.

"The rest of the Sakamaki's are over and they are talking about having dinner at ours." Asuza  replied. 

"Oh. Okay. We should get going." I said and walking hand in hand with Shu back to the house to see the others. 

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