Chapter Twelve

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(Y/n)'s POV

As expected, the night I had was restless. I had about, maybe, 2 hours of sleep. When I got out of bed, I looked myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were red. I sigh and splash cold water on my face in hopes it will bring the redness down. I sigh and decide to just go for a shower.

My head was still swimming with what happened the day before. I don't know if I can face either of them. I can't face Subaru because of what he said, and I can't face Shu because of my own feelings towards him. Distancing myself from them both is probably the best way to go. At least then I can get over the feelings I have for Shu, right?

I decided at that time that it would be better for me to stay in my room.

Subaru's POV

I got up and decided I will go and talk to (Y/n) today and apologise. I knocked on her door and there was no response. I sighed and walked away going to the dining room to eat. When I got there, I was hoping to see (Y/n) sat with the others, but she wasn't. It isn't the first time she hasn't come to breakfast, so no one was really worried about it.

After eating, I went into the garden to look for her there. Now I was getting concerned because I couldn't find her. I went back into the house and saw Shu and Ayato talking. Ayato looked worried and Shu looked concerned.

"Hey guys, have you seen (Y/n)?" I asked as I walked over to them.

"No. I went to her room to go and annoy her, and the door is locked. Shu knocked and there was no response even after he said it was him. We are concerned." Ayato said.

"Why do you want to see her anyway?" Shu asked.

"I want to apologise for yesterday. " I sighed out.

"Maybe if he goes over and knocks, she will let him in?" Ayato suggested.

"I already knocked on her door this morning and I got no response. I didn't announce it was me, but still I got nothing." I explained. I looked at Shu and saw that concern was now written all over his face.

"OI, AYATO!" Laito shouted over to us. I looked at him annoyed.

"What Laito?" Ayato sighed.

"Why is (Y/n)'s door locked?" Laito asked. It was strange to hear him use her actual name. He normally says little bitch or oi feisty. I frowned and just knew something was wrong.

"I'm going to break the door down." I said abruptly.

"What if she is asleep?" Laito said.

"With you and Ayato trying to get in her room there is no chance of that being the case." I stated plainly.

"Subaru does have a point. We aren't exactly quiet when we go to annoy her." Ayato said with his hand on his chin. "I'll be back." He continued leaving quickly.

Ayato's POV

I knew why she was upset and why she has locked herself in her room. I sigh and knock on her bedroom door. "Cupcake?" I heard a little movement then the door was unlocked, and I was dragged into the room. The door was shut again and locked.

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