SwinAhop (쉰아홉)

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I sat up in my bed startled, my heart was racing and I had a headache that made the low light from the lamp on the nightstand feel as harsh as a halogen bulb. Something was wrong but I didn't know what. I tried to get out of bed by myself but my knees buckled underneath and sent me to the floor with a sharp pain and loud thud. I heard hurried footsteps knowing Mi-kyung was coming to see what happened and as soon as she entered my room her face word the scolding she wouldn't allow her mouth to spit out.

"Carla, why are you trying to do things on your own?" She asked, bending over to check me out and make sure I wasn't seriously injured "Hold on to me"

She helped me off the floor and back into bed. "Something is wrong with Ma-ri" I finally answered her question.

"What? Is she hurt?"

"I don't think so but I have a strange feeling" I explained, wincing when she lifted my legs and placed a pillow under my knees. Pulling up my nightgown she saw the redness and sighed "I need to call her"

Mi-kyung passed me her phone and sat at the foot of the bed. The look on her face told me she wanted to say something but either didn't know how to say it or if she should say it. I called Ma-ri twice but it rang until the voicemail picked up both times. I grew nervous so I decided to call one of her soulmates but before I could pull up a name a fierce pain coursed through my body rendering me motionless. I reached out for Mi-kyung but she was on the floor violently thrashing with a vice grip on the sheets. Neither of us could speak and I didn't know if our kids were home yet.

The pain was unbearable, I've never been electrocuted before but I'm sure that was exactly what it felt like. All of my senses were muted as the shocking continued. Eventually my body felt relief but I didn't get the chance to be thankful for it because I passed out. I must have been semi conscious because for some reason I smelled flowers. I was able to open my eyes and see that I was in a vast garden.

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around, for as far as the eye could see were different varieties of flowers, bushes, and trees and somewhere, far enough that it was out of sight but close enough to smell the salt of, was a body of water.

"Carla? Carla!" Mi-kyung's panic-laced voice shouted my name. Suddenly I was alert searching for her, spotting her in pristine all white attire.

"Mi-kyung!" I shouted as we ran to each other, she leapt into my arms and squeezed me tight.

"Are you okay?" her heart was pounding in her chest and her voice was shaky. I nodded and kissed the side of her face "Where are we? How did we get here?"

"I don't know" we separated and looked each other over, she looked beautiful. Bright and glowy, her long brown hair was sleek and voluminous, her face was dewy as if she had just done her skin care and her body looked strong and healthy. She looked the exact opposite of what I had been looking at for the last two months. "You look amazing" I squeaked out in disbelief.

"Me? You-you are absolutely stunning" her jaw was on the floor as she looked me up and down repeatedly "And you ran! You're standing on your own!"

I hadn't even noticed it until she said it. I looked down at my legs to see them hidden underneath a white dress, similar to Mi-kyung's. My eyes met hers again and I knew they were almost out of the socket. How could this be? I just fell trying to get out of bed on my own a few minutes earlier.

"There has to be an explanation for all this" I said taking her hand in mine, this time she quietly nodded and slipped her fingers through mine.

"Do you think this has anything to do with why you felt that something was off with Ma-ri?"

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