Chapter 3: (edited)

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We had a arrived at the hair salon, I walked in and sat down when I herd a women call my name "Rylynn Smith?" I stood up and said "yes, that would be me." She looked at me smiled and put her hand out for me to shake as she said "I'm Lou Teasdale, what would you like done today?" I looked at her with a grin and said "I would like to dye my hair bright red!" Lou smiled "ahh like Mikey over there?" I laughed "yes that would be great!"

Braylee's Pov:
I was sitting in 3rd block, pottery, waiting for Rylynn but she never showed up. I grabbed my iPhone 5s out of my bag and texted her 'Where are you!?' She replied very quickly 'at the hair salon with Michael' I looked at the text and had to read it like twice but replied 'that asshole from earlier!?' She replied just as fast 'yes, I'll see you later -lol-' weird. She's hanging out with Michael.... Luke walked in to the class room and sat next to me as he said "hello gorgeous!" I blushed as I said "hi handsome!" We laughed for a good 5 minutes, then I said "hey, 3 of my friends and I are going to the mall today so you want to come a bring a few people?" Luke smiled his beautiful smile and said "sure, I'll bring a long my buddies Calum & Ashton, I'd bring Michael but knowing him he will want to play his video games!" I laughed "I play video games a lot, but I still make time for my friends" Luke looked at me "same here, dang Bray we have a lot in common!"

Michael's Pov:
Wow she was pretty with brown hair but... With red hair she's hot! I was waiting for Lou to get finished when I got a text 'hey dude, it's Luke, I'm going to the mall with a couple of girls want to tag along?' I wanted to but I couldn't I had promised my grandmother that I would cook dinner for her tonight... So I replied 'nah dude, I've gotta play me some zombie black ops.' He replied 'alright man, it's cool.' I put my phone back in my pocket because the beautiful red headed Rylynn and Lou where headed my way, act cool man act cool, I thought to my self.

Rylynn's Pov:
Lou and I walked over to Michael and his face went from 'cool guy' to and adorable smile that could make a girls heart melt in seconds. "Hi Mikey, what do you think?" I asked with a smile "I think your trying to copy my hair!" He said in his sly guy voice. Lou looked at me and said "don't worry it will be another color before to long" I laughed thinking she was just kidding. "She's not lying" Mikey said with a smile. I just laughed again "how much do I owe you?" I asked Lou "oh honey you don't owe me a dime, any friend of Mikey's is a friend of mine!" I smiled and said "oh thank you so much!" I then hugged her and we walked out to our separate cars "see ya around red" Michael said "yeah see ya!" I said jumping into car and jamming out to sleeping with sirens as I drove to Braylee's house. Everyone was standing around outside and when I got out of the car all I heard was whistles and the girls saying "damn girl, you look fine!!!" I laughed at them then proceeded to say "well... That's not all that I'm doing today!" Braylee looked at me and said "wait a minute! What do you that's not all!" I smiled "I can't say because then it will spoil the surprise!"

>what will Rylynn do next!?

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