Chapter 20:

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Michael's pov:
We had finally made it to the airport in Florida so I grabbed the hand of the love of my life As we walked off of the plane and into the air port Leighanne, Braylee, Maddlynn, Payton, Olivia, Larissa, & Dakota following close behind. Everyone was standing there Leighanne was running towards Calum, but Calum was running towards me "MIKEY, I missed you so much, don't leave me again!" Calum said as he pulled me in for a bear hug "well, what about me!?" Leighanne said stomping her feet on the ground like a little kid that didn't get their way. "BABY!!" Calum screamed letting go of me and running to her "Lieghanne, I love you!" She smiled as she tasseled his hair and said "baby, I love you so much" after she said that he smiled and kissed her. I saw Harry standing there holding Preston's, Payton was expecting Harry and Preston to run to her, but Harry ran to her and Preston ran to me screaming "Uncle Mike! Did you do it!?" I slightly laughed as I said "yes I did it..." I was still tightly holding on to Rylynn's hand "what did hers say?" Preston asked referring to me asking her to marry me. "I said yes!" Rylynn said with a big grin in her face. "Okay.." He said turning his head then screaming "Mommy!" And started running towards Payton and Harry. "Mikey, you do realize that in a few years that will be Haydon running to us!" Rylynn said wrapping her arms around mine.

Rylynn's pov:
"Rylynn!?" I heard someone call my name so I turned around to see a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes standing there... "Huh!?" I said, She smiled as she ran to me and gave me a hug "Oh. my. Gosh! It is you!!" She said as she hugged me then said "Ryan said that we would never get to meet..." I looked at her with a confused half smile as I said "what? How do you know my brother!?" She laughed as she said "our brother silly!" Now I was completely confused "our!? I've never meet you in my life!?" "Rylynn, it's me Raegan, your twin sister!" I looked at her still confused "Sister? T-twin sister!?" She laughed as she said "yes I lived with dad... Oh my gosh Ry, you never got the chance to meet dad..." I looked at her not sure if I wanted to believe her so I said "okay, if we are twins when's my birthday? We will say it on a count of 3, my fiancé Michael will count" Michael smiled as he said "1....2...3..." Raegan and I said in unison "December 12, 1997!"  "Oh my gosh, you are my sister!!" I screamed sounding excited "yes! I am!" A small tear started rolling down my cheek "sorry, I'm a lot more emotional now... All these da*m pregnancy hormones!" My beautiful twin sister smiled as she said "holy sh*t! I didn't notice!! Omg! I'm going to be an aunt!?" I smiled as I said "yes, to Our sweet Haydon Daniel!" She put her hand on my tummy as she said "ahh, he just kicked!" I laughed then said "yes he does that a lot!... Rae, why are you here anyway?" She smiled as she said "I'm here with my fiancé Zayn..." I turned my head to see Zayn, Zayn Malik standing next to Niall. "Z-Zayn Mmalik!?" I said stumbling upon my words "yes!" Raegan said smiling but continuing to say "I see that your fiancé is Michael Clifford!" I smiled as I said "yes, yes he is..."
              •2 days later•
2 days past and it was now Halloween night and everyone was dressed so cute! Michael & I where Juno and Paulie, Braylee & Luke where Alice in wonderland and the time rabbit, Leighanne & Calum where Bugz & Lola, Ashton & Olivia where Popeye and Olive Oyl, Harry, Preston, & Payton where Mario, Lugi, and princess peach, Louis & Dakota where Super man and super women, Raegan & Zayn where Danny and Sandy, Maddlynn & Ashton didn't want to go to the Halloween party they said they wanted to cuddle. Everyone wanted to go to a haunted house, including me because 'yes!' We got up to the ticket booth to buy our tickets and they said "here at this haunted house we have a few rules....                    
     Rule 1: If you are under the age of 13 years old you may not enter.
Rule 2: Do not stray from your guide, no matter the situation.
Rule 3: If you are pregnant by no means, you may not enter."
After they told us the rules I had a sad glum look on my face. Michael walked over to me and said "babe do you want me to stay out here with you?" I looked down as I said "no baby, you go have fun!" Mikey smiled at me, kissed me and then said "okay I love you!" I smiled pulled him close to me and kissed him again "I love you!" He walked away with Calum, Leighanne, Braylee, Luke, Olivia, Ashton, Louis, Dakota, Raegan, Zayn and Harry. My cousin, Payton was standing next to me holding Preston. "Hey Pay, why don't you go in the haunted house, I'll stay with Preston!." "Are you sure!" She asked smiling "yes! Go!" Payton handed me Preston and was in line with everyone in like two seconds! I held onto Preston, found a bench and sat down, rocking Preston back and forth. Soon Preston was asleep but I  just sat there continuing to rock him and all I could think was soon this would be me with my son.

Calum's pov:
I was terrified hiding behind Leighanne  as we where walking through the haunted house. Michael was walking through the haunted house, he was the first in line behind the guide, laughing at every single thing. "Michael! Why are you laughing!?" Leighanne asked. Michael just kept on chuckling not saying a word.

Michael's pov:
After walking through what these people called a haunted house, an hour had passed. I laughed going the whole way through the haunted house because nothing was "scary", well I mean one thing was "scary" and that was this f*cked up phycodic clown, but other than that nothing was scary. I walked outside of the place to see Rylynn and Preston gone... "Guys!!! They are gone! Where the h*ll could they be... Holy sh*t what if someone f*cking kidnapped them...." At this point I was hyperventilating, and I knew I needed to sit down  "Preston, my pressie, oh my god I knew I shouldn't have left them..." Payton said also getting worked up. Olivia looked at Payton and say "Payton... Arnt you pregnant away? You weren't supposed to go in.." Payton looked down, Harry pulled up her chin so that she would be
Looking into his eyes. "Your pregnant?" Harry asked "yes!" She said starting to cry. "Don't worry guys, we will find them I promise" Leighanne said reassuring us all. I sat there in the bench where I had left her and put my head into my hands "I should have never f*cking left her! I'm such an awful fiancé!" "Hey, don't beat yourself up! It's not your fault." Raegan said as she was messing with my hair. I looked up and said "okay... Let's go look for them... Couples go together..." Calum looked at me with his puppy eyes "but what about you? You don't have anyone to go with you... To protect you... To be with you..." I stood up and said "I'm a man... If I die, I'll die looking for the love of my life, let's go!" We all parted and went different ways. The first place I went to was Panera, because I remember her telling me that that was her absolute favorite place to eat at , but she wasn't there. As I was walked down the street past Panera I heard crying and weeping, someone sounded as if they were in pain. I went down the dark ally, and looked to see who it was... And there I saw....

>Sorry that it's been a while but here's chapter 20!
>I hope you like it! Please vote and comment if you like it! Guys please give me feed back!
>thanks, I love you all to the moon and back!


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