Chapter 5:

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Rylynn's Pov:
After Mikey left my house I went into my bathroom and took a shower, then changed into my pajamas. I walked into my bedroom & got all cozy in my bed, I was just messing around with my phone like I always do when I noticed I had a snapchat I opened it and it was a picture of Mikey that said 'hey babe' he makes my heart melt, we continued to snap chat for about an hour.

Braylee's Pov:
I was laying in my bed texting Luke, he's so sweet!. 'So what are you doing Friday night?' Luke asked me, I replied 'um.. Nothing really' Luke replied extremely fast 'okay! Want to go to a movie with me!?' I smiled and replied 'yes! Of course! I'd love too!' I was about to fall asleep when my phone went off "hello?" I said in a groggy tired voice "hey! It's me Maddlynn, Ashton asked me out!" I smiled feeling less tired "awe! That's great, Luke asked me out!" Maddlynn said "oh my gosh!"

Leighanne's Pov:
I had just gotten off the phone with Calum he had called to ask me if I wanted to go to the beach with him as a little date. I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower then put my hair into a side fishtail braid & changed into my pajamas. I climbed into my bed and grabbed my phone to call Rylynn "hey!" Was the first thing that Rylynn said "hey girl! Guess who just asked me out!" Rylynn said "girl, I don't know" I smiled blushing a lot as I said "Calum!" Rylynn paused "awe! How sweet! Your the first one I'm going to tell.... But um Michael kind of came over to comfort me and he kind of asked me out
For pizza too!" I started smiled and laughed a little. "Awe! Yall are both red heads now! What a cute couple!" You could tell that Rylynn was smiling when she said "I know! I really like him!" We continued to talk for a little while & then I said "dang Ry, it's already midnight" Rylynn laughed "holy crap!" She then continued to say "& I have like 4 snapchats!" I laughed at her and said "well I'm going to bed" I said "okay! Goodnight!" Rylynn said ending the call

Rylynn's Pov:
I had just gotten off the phone with Leighanne and was about to read my texts messages when my phone started ringing the caller ID said: 'Weird Red Head 😍🙊❤️' I answered "hello?" You could hear a boy giggling a cute giggle "hey red" Michael said the giggle fading away "who was giggling?" I asked "oh that was Ashton, one of my room mates" I laughed "his giggle is so cute!" Michael laughed "hey now! Your supposed to call me cute not Ashton!" Michael said sounding sad and hurt, I smiled "but I can't call you cute because your not!" I said with a slight laugh "Rylynn your so mean to me!" I smiled then frowned "I'm not mean! I just can't tell you a lie!" "Lie?" Michael said sounding confused "yeah" I replied continuing to say "I can't lie and tell you your cute, because your not..." I paused for a minute then said "your handsome!" Michael didn't talk for a few minutes maybe he was blushing I thought, if he was how stinking adorable! "Rylynn... Your beautiful" is all I heard Michael say "thanks Mikey" I said with a huge smile on my face "so about that pizza.... Want to go tomorrow night?" I smiled "sure!" "Okay I'll pick you up around 7?" I smiled and said "sure Mikey, I'll be ready" you could kind of tell he was smiling when he said "alright, I'll see you at school tomorrow red" I smiled "alright, see ya then!" I hung up the phone, I had forgotten that I had 4 snapchats, wait no... Now it was 5 one was from Braylee Hers said 'whoop whoop, date with Luke this week!' And also one from Maddlynn hers said 'Ashton asked me out!' Another one was from Leighanne hers said 'goodnight! I love you! 😍😘' and I had two from Michael one said 'babeeee answer me..' And the other one said 'goodnight my beautiful Red 😍😘' I could t help but blush and send him one back that said 'goodnight my handsome weirdo 😍😘❤️' he didn't snap chat me back but I couldn't help but smile as I curled up into my bed and fell asleep.

>wow! 36 reads!!! Amazed! Please comment & tell me what you think 😀

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