'I didn't always hate green.' {C.1}

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I didn't always hate the color green. The color green was a happy place for me, it reminded me of some of my favorite things.
Like my mom! The warm green on the leaves of the trees, the green muck at the bottom of my grandparent's pool before it was cleaned out all the way, the stems of flowers my grandfather always told me to bite into, the green milk on Saint Patrick's day, my cat's eyes, the sprite cans me and my cousins left out in the summer and bees got in them, Christmas, and the green stripe of the rainbow.

Green used to be my favorite color, it made me feel happy inside. I used to smile when people got me green things. Like green pens, maybe green nail polish. Like green bows, the three different shades of green paint, and even just a green hair clip.

But now? Now it almost sickens me. Makes me feel nauseous and nervous.

  "Alex! I got you this green pen." My friend yells as they run into my science class, most likely trying to avoid being late to class- anyways! I love him so much for this green pen. Green... I love green, green is my favorite color. I may hate this class, but this green pen may have just made my life a whole lot better.

    "Thanks! How'd you know green is my favorite color?" I say with a joking tone, smiling at him. I love green. I grab the pen from him, as he pulls the chair out next to me. The teacher comes into the room, maybe this is the first time I'll ever be early to this class. I hate this class.

"You're obsessed with it. How could anybody NOT know?"
He says with a sarcastic tone, smiling at me. I take the pen and thank him, leaving the pen outside of my bag. Who knows what I'll need it for?

The teacher starts talking nonsense about the class, telling us we need to do this worksheet. That's fine! I'll figure out how to do it... even if I have trouble with it. I've always been good in school, my grades are very good. 90's and 100's? That's the best my grades have ever been.

      I do the worksheet in only a matter of time, it did have a lot of questions which probably slowed me down. I look across the room, staring at that one boy. I smile at him, but then I make the rash decision to decide not to. I think he's in my tech class. Wait.. yeah he is. We've talked before, I think we're friends. I look back at the front of the class, the teacher turns on a video for us to watch. I have a hard time focusing on the video, as I catch myself looking at that boy across the room again. I try to ignore him, and it works when my friend whispers something to me.

     "Alex? You good?"
I nod at her, she cares about me a lot. I smile at her. Maybe I looked like I was zoning out. The teacher announces that we're doing the quiz too. That's easy. It's a brainpop video we'll be fine.

We go through each question, I've answered 2 and got them both right. There are 10 overall questions, and this class is pretty smart I guess so I know we'll finish!

      I look at the clock, and it's already 10:47. Time flies I guess. I pack my stuff up and zip my bag.
           I put it in my bag and wait by the door with my friend.
    I keep looking at that kid though. What's up with that?

The bell rang, so me, my friends and all my other classmates run out of the classroom. We go up the stairs to lunch, which is the funniest but the least funny thing ever. There are like 4 flights of stairs so by the time you get up there, your legs WILL HURT.

   I go sit down at my table, I'm with my friends. The ones I've had for a while since I was in 5th grade. They're the people I've trusted and some of my closest friends for a while. I got the pizza because quite frankly I HATE any other school lunches unless it's good. Like the tater tots they have!

     I laughed so much and talked through lunch. I'm so happy sitting there and being with my friends. I've never been happier. They call us to find out who we're going with for our next class. I had my ELA seminar class, so I found her when they called her name. Luckily some of my friends were in that class, but nobody I hung out or talked with. This class is boring, but I guess that's what school is all about, right?
         Boring classes with just a short time to talk to your friends. That's kinda what school is all about, it isn't really about learning, I guess. It's about new friends and making sure that you make it to class on time.

        "You guys can read until the end of class!"
The teacher says, but I don't have a book to read so, I guess I can just draw instead.                           Everyone knew that drawing has always been my thing. I love drawing. Drawing and painting, I love it.

         I love art, it's one of the best ways I can express myself! I think. Maybe that's too childish for a middle schooler, but it's fine.

   "It's 11:50, you guys can pack up now. Just wait by your desks until the bell rings."
She says to us. I put my Chromebook away into my bag, and I wait silently. I look at the people standing around their desks.

I stand there and wait.



       The bell rings, and I take the long way down to my next class. ELA. ELA is a fine class, I have a few friends in that class. Plus, the teacher who teaches ELA taught me in second grade so I'm okay with her.

    ELA is pretty boring, we have to do some reading assignments about realistic fiction books. I like fiction better, but I guess I can't complain that much about the class.

Time passes by slowly in this class, and nothing is exciting going on. So, I just read the book. 12:35.

One more minute. I shove the book into my bag, and I put my bag on my back.


I have a class with him next period, 10th period. Tech. I sit in the back of that class.

The bell rings, so I rush out of the classroom. I head straight to that class, it's the funniest class out of all the others. You can even use your phone in that class. I guess. I sit down in the back of the class, in the corner. My favorite spot. My friend sits next to me, her name is Cate. The boy I have a slight crush on sits in the second row of seats and desks. I try to ignore him.

     Except we're kinda friends. So, I guess I can't ignore him.

I sit there and when the teacher is done talking, I take out my phone. I text my online friends because I'm bored, and I honestly don't really wanna be at school. It's fine though.

The boy I like comes over to me and Cate, Cate told me she used to date him. So I KNOW, I shouldn't like him. Carson laughs with us and pulls a chair over to sit with us on the opposite side of the table. I told him to pose for a photo, and it was on Snapchat. So, I decided I'd be funny and put a cat filter on. I took the photo of him and showed it to him. He laughed and I smiled.

I smiled, and I blushed. I blushed.
I tried my best to ignore the beating in my heart. The feeling of a crush slowly growing in the back of my head.

I need to ignore this. For Cate.

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