'It just happened.' {C.13}

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So what if me and Carson are back together?

It just happened.

The fair... of course, he had to be going the day that me and Raven went. And of course, I saw him. Of course I couldn't control my thoughts when I saw his smile.

... Miik. My boyfriend, at the time.

Carson and I we had... we... it was a one time thing. It was just that night. We promise not to tell anyone about it, never again.

So what if I've hated Carson with my entire soul for a few months?
I couldn't get his face out of my mind when I was trying to sleep.

School starts tomorrow, I don't know if I'm ready though. I haven't been getting enough sleep, and I haven't even thought about my classes or teachers.

Now it's here. I pushed everything off until now.

I'll be fine.
I have everything I've ever wanted.

Friends, a boyfriend, Raven... and true happiness.

To be honest, I cant remember the last time I felt this happy... even if my gut keeps yelling at me that it's my heart speaking.

I have a bad feeling about me being with Carson again. But, that's fine. I love him, he loves me. We've changed.

He's apologized. It's not some stupid "Whatever I'm sorry" it's genuine this time.

I'll be fine.
The moment he messes up I'm blocking him.

at the time, i told all of this to myself to make me feel less guilty.

   later when he broke up with me he said he never loved me; which i kind of expected so it wasn't that bad.

he told me i should've killed myself.
      and recently? i've been thinking about it.

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