'justice for alex.' {C.18}

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Justice for Alex....
Search his town-.. high and low.

    so, i guess you could say i thought i loved the color green again. there was these two boys that somehow made the color remind me of happiness and purity. it was a beautiful color, made me smile or some dumb shit.

   also, my ass coulda gotten beat. luckily i knew what to do to save myself.

     the second time; i lost my only true friend,
He was never true.
just a day before. it was a nice boy, from the west side.
           all mixed up with a bad boy from the east.
something about us two was stupid, but it was true. true love, maybe. true happiness, true friendship, everything seemed so good about us.

Message came through at 7:24. Craziest mess I've ever seen.

   A lone boy in the hospital, probably left for dead...

my eyes were open wide, my face was almost twisted; i was surprised.

There's gotta be someone out there who knows...

they told me they were from the west side, and they got all wrapped up with a messed up kid from the east side.
            where we kill each other with switch blade knives all while keeping each other out of trouble.

      brought me into pain, maybe it was because of my crooked grin?

If there was anything Nick knew, I was gonna get it out of him.

    "I got no clue if the account was his or not, alex i'm so sorry that he did this to you guys... if I knew I'd tell you."
           there has to be someone out there who knew.    that wasn't right.

"and why the hell you asking me?"
       i responded to my friends when they would ask me if i knew what was going on with them and the whole situation.

    what i told nick too- right after he begged me for forgiveness right after it happened.

i've dealt with hotter shit than nick; and i would get my hands on the truth. it was me and my friends he'd be promising shit to, saying it's true.

        "well, i got nothing for you."
i responded to nick when he asked me if i still cared for him, trusted him, loved him as a best friend.

              "can't you just get lost?"
       i said to nick, when he was trying to explain.
told him to shut up too.

why don't you guys ask them why that line got crossed?
Justice for Alex, do what you have to do.


Yknow, Michael had a part of him that truly cared, that was nice to me. I heard from a bird that he'd ignore all of his other friends just to speak to me.

could this have gone a different way?
          I just can't believe I'm standing here today.

but you never did the things you should- even so i know your heart is somewhat pure.

     when it was only you and me alone, i saw a side of you that i wish the others could see.
       Part of you that they truly should've known.
                           the part of you that truly cared...

     wait; this can't be real-.. no, he can't be gone!
and-.. and i don't know how i just "carry on."
     Part of me misses him.
  this could've happened to anyone, but here i am.
                          all this shit can't be undone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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