'God. What Do I Do?' {C.5}

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Me and Carson have been dating for about a week now. Maybe even two.

   Sometimes I feel like he doesn't like me.
That's okay though. I know he does, he says it all the time. He even asked me; "Is it to early to say I think I'm in love with you?"

I run my finger across his hand at lunch, the food at this school sucks.. but their pizza is okay... I guess. My leg bounces up and down, it always does. He ignores it. It's fine though, it's nothing serious.

       They call our row up, I sit in the second row at lunch with Carson. L̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶ k̶n̶o̶w̶, t̶h̶i̶s̶ t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ r̶u̶i̶n̶ m̶e̶.

I bring my tray up to the trash can, and I'm laughing my ass off with my boyfriend. The kid I love so much. Todays Friday, so I guess I don't really have much more time left in the day. Especially because I'm with my friends.

I love my friends a lot, even though I don't really know if they like me. Plus, I don't have that many friends.

Oh. I gotta go! They called my teacher, I know some people in that class. My cousin, Sage, Haneen, and Samara.. anyways.
I give Carson a hug and leave to go with my teacher. I smile at him and give him a wave while I leave, but he doesn't notice. He's already talking with his friends and.. mine.

Oh well. It's okay!


               I walk down to class with this teachers, god. I hate seminar ELA. It's a boring class, but it's not that bad; I guess.
We just kinda sit there and listen to her talk. I mean, isn't that what you do in every class?
I don't know.
          I'm tired. Very.. tired. I feel a burning sensation in my body though, especially after what happened last night between me and Carson.

He sent me.. stuff, and I sent it back. Of course; he would ask constantly for it.. and when I finally said yes, it wasn't that bad.
I just couldn't stop thinking about what he sent me. God, it was so hot.. but we're so young. This is wrong. It's weird.

We're weird for this. God.

Anyways. The bell is about to ring, I put my bag on and I walk the long way down to my class.. ELA. Carson's coming out of that class, he has ... math..? next period. I'm pretty sure he does..

   Wait, yeah. He does!
I don't really see him walking into that class ever- because I'm always going down the really long way to get to my next class.. but I know he has it with Raven!
    T̶H̶E̶ P̶E̶R̶S̶O̶N̶ W̶H̶O̶ R̶U̶I̶N̶E̶D̶ M̶Y̶ L̶I̶F̶E̶.

I walk into ELA.. this class bores me; but ever since we had our actual teacher get like a concussion.. don't ask- I don't know how it happened.. ever since that happened; we've had this new teacher lady. I don't like her at all.

I hate her. She's annoying. She hates me, and I hate her. I swear, she picks fights with me!

Ugh, anyways.
      Cate is in my class, I knew about her in 5th grade.. and I really wanted to be friends with her- but we never were friends.
          They called her an "emo furry".

Now we're kind of like best-friends.. I guess.
      Cate knows I'm dating Carson, and I feel bad about it because it's her ex. But.. she doesn't care. She tells me not to date him all the time... but.. I love him.

Why can't I stop thinking about him?


         I wanna stop thinking about him, but his smile takes over me.. and his hair is so cute it makes me blush.

What do I do about this?

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