Part 3 : Hidden Desires

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Imran's P.O.V.

As the first day of college begins anew, I find myself brimming with excitement, eager to engage in my usual banter with Zayn and Layla. They're seated together at the center table, engrossed in conversation.

"Hey Imran, who's caught your eye?" my friend Sam inquires. I glance at him and nod, signaling my agreement. "Let's join them. Sam, would you mind approaching them and seeing if we can join?" I suggest. He nods in response.

"Imran, you up for tonight? How about you, me, Theo, Sam, and Jenna hit the town?" Sasha, another friend, chimes in. "Not tonight, maybe another time," I reply casually.

I stride forward with my friends trailing behind me, gaining a better view of Zayn and Layla as I position myself in front of them. Honestly, I can't fathom how Layla ended up with someone like Amaan. Spotting an empty spot beside her, I seize the opportunity and take the seat, relishing the annoyed expression on Zayn's face. Hailey, Zayn's girlfriend, then requests the menu card, and as I pass it to her.

As I casually extended the menu card to Hailey, I discreetly slid my fingers over Layla's hand. In that fleeting moment, I felt her fingers freeze on her phone screen, a subtle tremor passing through her. Shock registered on her face, her eyes widening in surprise as she glanced up at me, caught off guard by my unexpected touch. It was a brief moment, but it spoke volumes, revealing a glimpse of the effect my actions had on her.

As Theo answered Sam's question, I seized the opportunity to introduce my friends to the group. Then, turning to Layla, I made the introduction, emphasizing her close bond with Zayn.

"And she is Zayn's best friend, Layla, aren't you?" I smirked, locking eyes with her as I spoke, relishing the subtle reaction I could sense from her, knowing that my words stirred something within her.

As Layla glanced over at Zayn and murmured something in a hushed tone, I observed the subtle tension in her body, evident from the trembling of her leg.

Sensing her unease, I instinctively reached out, brushing my arm against hers in a comforting gesture, hoping to alleviate some of her stress. Her sudden movement caught me off guard, causing us to lock eyes in a moment of unexpected intimacy.

In that brief exchange, our gazes locked, and I found myself drawn into the depths of her captivating green eyes, which perfectly complemented her fair complexion.

It was impossible to deny that Layla exuded a rare and undeniable beauty that left me momentarily spellbound.

Hailey's sudden act of kindness towards Layla, offering her a sandwich and insisting she taste it, caught me off guard. It was unlike her to be so accommodating, especially considering her usual attitude towards Layla.
I couldn't help but wonder about her motives.

Hailey's insecurity about Layla and Zayn's close relationship was evident, and her behavior seemed driven by those feelings.

As Layla tasted the sandwich, her expression revealed her surprise at Hailey's unexpected gesture.

Meanwhile, I took advantage of the moment to glance at Layla's phone and noted her user-id. Without a second thought, I sent her a follow request on Instagram, knowing it would catch her off guard once again.

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