Part 5: Talking About You Everywhere

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Layla's P.O.V.

Ugh! I hate how I am not in the same class as Shifa and Iqra. I peep in their class to call them out but I just couldn't find them.
"Excuse me," said Amaan, a guy who was in my class last year. He was trying to enter the class as I stood in the doorway, blocking the way for him. "Sorry, my bad," I said as I shifted to the other side, leaving space for him to enter inside.

He smiled and looked at me blankly as if he had been hit by a car. "You're Layla, right?" He inquired and I nodded. "Hey, can you tell Iqra and Shifa to meet me in my class once they're back?" I asked, hoping his reply would be positive.

"Sure, Layla." He smiled and went back in the class looking at me. Why's he acting like a creep? Leave him Layla, he's a jerk anyways.

I turn around and go back to my class. I start eating my lunch, all by myself. I don't like to sit out where bullies look for a new target, couples do their thing or the popular ones roam everywhere.

"Layla, hey," I looked at Iqra, who approached me with a smile and Shifa behind her. "You know, there's this guy in our class, Amaan, who's talking about you everywhere out there," Iqra said.

Wait; Amaan, is talking about ME? Haha funny. "Okay, Iqra no more jokes," I tell her.

"Layla we aren't joking! He told us that you want to meet us and then went out smiling. Later while coming here, we heard people talking about you. They're saying maybe he likes you." Shifa added.

"Okay wait. So you're saying that a popular jerk like Amaan sees me and starts liking me?"
I laugh nervously. I ate a french fry from Shifa's tiffin when Amara, a girl I barely even know entered the class.

She came up to me and said, "It's Layla, isn't it? Now hear me bitch. Rumours have it that Amaan is crushing over you. I'll give you a chance to tell me if it's true or just rumours. Speak now."

I looked at her and simply said "If you say they're rumours, why do you even have to ask me if that's true? Maybe you should ask him about it?" I spat back at her.

"Oh, I already know his answer. Why would a guy like Amaan Malik suddenly start liking you?" She walked out of the class after looking at me dead in the eye.

"Layla? Are you okay? Don't think about her, you know she's a jerk." Iqra said, trying to comfort me.

"There's no way he would like me. I mean, we barely know each other let alone talking to each other. Plus he's a jock." I reply while they laugh.

Soon the bell rang, indicating that the break was over. They left for their class while I sat in mine waiting for everyone to come. The classroom was then filled with students and their talks. The day went on like this...

The school ended and as usual, I was waiting for Iqra and Shifa when I saw them come out with Zayn and Amaan.

"Hey, Lay! Come here." Iqra called me and I went towards them when Iqra quietly said "Okay, now I know that look. Let us explain."
I nodded as she knew that I was thinking about what are they doing together.

"You remember we're going out with Sarah today and how she said that she's gonna bring some of her friends too? She was talking about them," Shifa explained.

"Okay, how do you guys know Sarah, if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned and Zayn replied "Sarah is a family friend of mine, she said that she was going out today and asked me if I wanted to come so I agreed and I am dragging Amaan along me. You all are okay with us being there, right?" We nodded in response and I said, "Okay then we'll meet you guys wherever we are going, sounds good?"

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