Part 17: She Meant Sons Of Bitches

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𝐋𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

"Layla I wanna know who did this to you. It's hardly been two weeks since college started and- You know what? Im gonna go ask Imran," Amaan said as we were going into Imran's parking.

Yes, Imran's parking. Zayn says that he will talk to those guys and Imran. I tried to stop him but he didn't listen to me. And now, even Amaan is taking his side on this.

"Yeah okay fine. Do whatever you both wanna do but remember, none of you says anything and I mean anything rude or mean to Imran. That's my only condition." I state as they both stop in their tracks and look at me in wonder.

"What? He helped me and so I don't want you guys to be bitches to him," I said, and Shifa added, "She meant sons of bitches."
Both of them passed her a glare and she knew they weren't in the mood for jokes.

"Do you agree with it?" I ask and they both nod, while Amaan places a hand around my waist, gaining a look from Iqra.

Just after walking for a few more minutes, we reached his parking, and there I saw something I never expected to see.

A group of boys and girls was near Imran's car and in the centre was Imran, kissing a girl.

Suddenly, I felt as if someone was choking me and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't get that weird feeling out of me. I mean, seeing him with someone shouldn't be a problem to me now, then why?

Zayn called out his name, causing him to look at us. He looked at us in surprise, and then at me. That's when I got a proper view of his face- his hair was messy, and his eyes held a different emotion, just like yesterday.

It was something I couldn't explain. He ran his hand through his hair and came towards us and stood in front of Zayn. He looked at him and asked, "What? What did I do now?"

"What happened yesterday? Who were they?" Zayn asked and Imran understood what he was being asked. "About that, give me a minute," he said this and went back to the group of people and said something making them all leave.

"Yeah, those guys are taken care of. They won't trouble her anymore." He looked at me, and then at Amaan's hand which was on my waist. He moved towards us, stood in front of us and looked at me.

"How's your face now? Is it better?" He asked me as he touched my face. I was taken aback by his sudden action, and he moved his hand from my face.

"It's- it's much better now. Thank you," I said and he nodded. "Did you talk to them? Why did they do this?" Amaan asked him and he replied, "If you wanna know the reason so badly, then listen. They were doing something wrong, I stopped them, and so they wanted revenge. They thought that Layla- who's your girlfriend- is my girlfriend and went for her. However, I reached there and stopped them. And today, they're not in the condition to do anything."

Why would they think I'm his girlfriend? I mean, we hardly talk, and most importantly, why did he say they won't be able to do anything?

"What do you mean, they won't be able to do what?" I asked him and he smirked and said, "Nothing much, just warned them in my way. That way, they would think twice before doing anything cheap again with you."

"Yeah okay, you didn't do something that we couldn't. Plus it's you because of whom they did this to Layla in the first place," Amaan said and I looked at him in utter surprise. I made them promise me that whatever happens, they wouldn't be rude to him.

"Amaan! I asked one thing from you and you-you just couldn't do that. You know what? I never should've expected that you would keep this one promise!"

Just as I said that Amaan held my hand and dragged me away from them and said, "Layla what do you mean? You are shouting at me for whom? For Imran? Seriously Layla?"
"Yes, I am. Because what you did was wrong Amaan. He- he helped me and that's why I asked you not to be rude to him. Can't we be polite with someone who helped me despite all the issues between us?"

I spoke as I held his hands in mine, and he looked at me. He then hugged me and said, "Layla I don't like it when any other guy is around you. I won't say anything about Zayn 'cause he's your brother and I get it. But the way you supported Imran and talked to me in front of him, I don't like it."

Iqra then came to our side and asked, "All good Lay?" She passed a look to Amaan and I replied, "Yeah we were just talking. Come on let's get back to them."

"Imran, thank you for helping Layla yesterday but we need to know who were they, don't you think that?" Iqra said and looked at Imran, who nodded and said, "Well, it all started when-" "Hey everyone!" Theo came there and once again interrupted Imran, like yesterday.

I felt something happening in my stomach as I thought about yesterday. "Uhm, did I interrupt you again, like yesterday?" He asked Imran and then looked at me. Imran nodded and whispered something in his ear, due to which he chuckled and then looked towards me, reminding me everything about yesterday.

I managed to look away as Iqra asked, "Theo, do you always speak between people?" Theo looked at me as if saying 'Help me' and I nudged Iqra's hand, indicating her to stop taunting him.

"Oh and she is Lexi, our friend," he said introducing her and she said, "Hey, I'm Lexi and I've got something to say. Whatever happened with Layla yesterday wasn't Imran's fault. Actually, those guys were misbehaving with me and I asked Imran to help me. He said a few things which pissed them off and then they thought that Layla was his girlfriend. Which is why they were messing with you. Theo told me all of it, like whatever happened yesterday."

She looked at me and passed a small smile, which I returned. "You are Layla, right?" She asked as she extended her hand towards me, which I gladly shook and replied, "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Lexi."

*    *    *    *    *

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading! Wishing you a nice and lovely day ahead!<3
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