Part 24: After Playing Super Mario

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Imran's 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

What did she mean when she said that? If only I could tell her how much she meant to me. Hearing those guys talking bullshit about her, I couldn't stop myself from beating the shit out of them.

And I know this so well that if Layla hadn't stopped me, I would've made sure that they never ever think any kind of shit about her.

I still remember how I felt jealous for the first time when Saarim, her sister Zahra's best friend greeted her by hugging her. That was the first time that I ever felt jealous of anyone for anything. We had went out for coffee where he saw her and came towards us. I often laugh at that scenario when he was approaching us and she was freaking out because he saw us together.

However, since we weren't sitting and had just arrived, she made an excuse and said, "Oh him? We met here just how you and I met- coincidentally." Though she had already told me everything about her, all her friends and family and I knew that Saarim was just her sister's best friend, it made me feel uneasy seeing them so close and giggling and laughing together.

I do feel jealous of Amaan, but I'm rather shocked and disappointed that a guy like him is Layla's boyfriend. He doesn't deserve her. She's way too kind for a jackass like him.

After playing Super Mario for a while, I decided to check the script of our play. But before seeing it, I messaged Layla and asked her if she had seen it.

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Was that awkward? I don't know

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Was that awkward? I don't know. We were talking about our past, about us. The only thing I regret is that before we could be more than friends, before I could call her mine, before it could start, it all ended.

She found out that I was Zayn's brother. I was the Imran who had made Zayn's life miserable. I found out that she was my brother's best friend. The only girl I genuinely ever liked was my brother Zayn's best friend. All of this happened just two days before I was going to ask her out on a date.

I was gonna fucking propose her. It was not my first time dating somebody, but my first time asking a girl out myself. Till date, it was girls who would ask me out on dates and stuff, but this time, I was the one. All because of one girl- Layla.

I remember her seeing the name I had used for her in my Contacts as well as Snapchat.
She asked, "Why is there a three-leafed plant with my name?" to which I answered, "Because people say it is very rare, unique and hard to find, just like you. You are different from others, and very unique."

She smiled and blushed at that and said, "You know what I saved your name as? Imran and a yellow heart."
I raised an eyebrow and she continued, "Because to me, yellow is like happiness. And you have made me very happy, you're my happiness." She said that sheepishly and smiled.
I wonder whether she has kept it the same or changed my name to something else...

It was like a dream, the one where we were happy with each other. She had asked me if it was okay to me if we first spent some time with each other in order to get to know each other.

I wish I had gotten a chance to explain myself. I know what I did had no explanation, but deep down, I wish it did.

Who would have thought that because of my behaviour towards my brother, I would lose her, my Layla?

* * * * *

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