Part 44: Whispers Of The Dark

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Layla's 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

As I rejoined the lively celebration, a sense of trepidation lingered in the air, overshadowed by the warm greetings of my classmates. Navigating through the crowd, I engaged in conversations with those who claimed to know me, their supportive words easing my anxiety.

"Hey there, Layla! I'm Mark," a blond haired boy came and said as he extended his hand towards me. "Hi, I'm Layla," I greet awkwardly as I shook his hand and he said, "Of course I know, welcome back. We missed you." I smiled and replied, "It's nice to meet you."

"You don't remember this but we had a group project last semester. I'm glad you're back now. I hope you're feeling better," he smiled sincerely and I smiled back.
I nodded at his kindness as we continued to talk about college.

Amidst the sea of conversations, my attention was drawn to Max, who grins mischievously as he pulls me onto the dance floor.

"Come on, Layla! Let's shake things up!" He exclaimed with his 'Oh so sweet smile' and I gave in as a smile took over my lips. "Alright, Max! Lead the way!"

Joined by my friends, I danced with abandon, my worries fading into the background as I lose myself in the rhythm of the music.

As the music shifts to a slower melody, I noticed a tender moment unfolding between Sarah and Zayn across the room. I watched them with bated breath as they talk and embrace, tears of reconciliation shimmering in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I should have listened to you." Sarah said as Zayn held her hands. "No, Sarah, it's me who should have trusted you. I never should have doubted you," he said as a small smile formed on my face.

They've finally found their way back to each other.

Just as I began to relax into the moment, my gaze shifted to Iqra and Theo, who stood at the edge of the dance floor, their eyes locked in a silent exchange.

Iqra blinked her eyes as she asked, "What are you looking at, Theo?" He smirked and said, "Just admiring the view, Iqra."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and it clicked me- OMG, THEY'RE FLIRTING!

Before I could dwell on the implications of their interaction, Max dragged me back into the fray, twirling me around the dance floor with infectious energy.

"Come on, Layla! Let's keep the party going!" He said as my eyes fell on Lexi.
With hesitation, I asked, "Um Max? Are you sure Lexi won't mind us dancing together?"
His face had a look of confusion for a moment which was soon replaced by a bright smile as he said, "Oh no, she's good with it. In fact it was her idea that we dance, she's cool," he waved his hand in the air and I smiled.

As the party continued to unfold, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Amidst the laughter and music, there was a lingering sense of unease that gnawed at my insides, making it difficult to enjoy the festivities.

I remember seeing a dark figure wandering out in the garden back when I was with Imran. I was unable to see his face, I chose to ignore him and enjoy the moment with Imran. But the thought of that was eating me up.

'Layla, now's not the time to think about a shadow you saw in the dark, it could simply be a hallucination' My inner self shouted at me.

As I mingled with my friends, I caught a fleeting glimpse of the figure in the room once again, their presence sending a shiver down my spine.

Without a second thought, I slipped away from the group, determined to uncover the truth behind the stranger's cryptic message.

Keeping to the shadows, I trailed after the figure, careful to remain unnoticed by my friends. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I navigated through the throngs of people towards the door, my senses on high alert.

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