Part 47: Girly Dose

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Layla's 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

"Yes, 2 Chicken Supreme Pizzas, 2 Chicken N Cheese Overloaded, 1 Plain Cheese Pizza and 1 La Pino's Special Pizza and 2 Mojitos," I repeated our gigantic order to the Pizzeria as the guy on the other side chuckled and said, "Okay, your order will be delivered in around 30 minutes."

"What? Why 30 minutes?" Shifa shouted from behind, her voice carried a mix of shock and impatience, making me stifle a laugh. "Because it is a big order Shif, shh. Yes okay, thankyou," I replied to the guy taking our order, trying to maintain a composed tone despite the amusement bubbling within me.

"Thank you for ordering from La Pino's Pizza," and disconnected the line.

The confirmation from the pizzeria left us facing the reality of our gluttonous feast. "Shifa, you do realize that we've ordered not one, but six pizzas and two mojitos, right?" I asked, unable to contain my disbelief.

Shifa's response was a sheepish grin, acknowledging the enormity of our order. Iqra chimed in, voicing the collective astonishment, "I can't believe we're gonna eat that much food all by ourselves."

I shook my head in laughter, already envisioning the impending food coma. "Well, if we can't finish it alone, we can give some of it to Zahra and Saarim out there," I suggested, considering the possibility of sharing our mountain of food.

The mention of Saarim's unexpected presence piqued Iqra's curiosity. "Wait, Saarim's here? At this time?" she asked, her tone reflecting surprise.

Shifa, ever the conspirator, seized the opportunity to indulge in some speculation. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she said, narrowing her eyes mischievously.

Despite Shifa's insinuations, I remained skeptical. "I don't think they're dating, I mean, they've been best friends for as long as I can remember," I reasoned, recalling the enduring camaraderie between Zahra and Saarim.

Shifa chuckled at my naivety before posing a rhetorical question, "Lay, why else would Saarim be here at 1 in the morning?"

The notion did stir some intrigue within me. "Yeah, maybe that's possible. But I don't want to ask her about it; I don't want to get into another drama with her," I confessed, remembering past conflicts with Zahra.

My friends nodded in understanding, sensing my reluctance to delve into potentially sensitive territory. With the pizza order confirmed and our minds buzzing with curiosity, we settled in for what promised to be an eventful and indulgent night.

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As I opened the door to receive the pizza delivery, a friendly smile instantly greeted me. The delivery guy, tall and with a charming grin, held out the stack of pizza boxes, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Here you go, miss. Enjoy your feast," he said, his voice smooth and confident.

I returned his smile, grateful for the prompt delivery. "Thank you so much," I replied, reaching out to take the boxes from him.

But before I could grab hold of them, he hesitated, his gaze lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary. "You know, you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen," he remarked, his tone flirtatious.

I felt my cheeks flush with surprise, caught off guard by his unexpected compliment. "Uh, thank you," I stammered, not knowing how to react to his words.

Beside me, Shifa and Iqra exchanged amused glances, their lips twitching with suppressed laughter. Clearly, they had caught onto the delivery guy's flirting, and I could practically hear the wheels turning in their mischievous minds.

As I finally took hold of the pizza boxes, the delivery guy flashed me one last grin before turning to leave. "Enjoy your night," he called over his shoulder, his departure leaving me feeling both flustered and amused.

Closing the door behind him, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. Leave it to Shifa and Iqra to turn a simple pizza delivery into a flirtatious encounter.

As the aroma of freshly baked pizzas filled my room, we eagerly gathered on my bed, ready to indulge in our late-night feast. We wasted no time in unpacking the boxes, revealing an array of mouthwatering pizzas.

"Alright, let's dig in!" I exclaimed, grabbing a slice of Chicken Supreme Pizza and taking a hearty bite. The combination of gooey cheese, savory chicken, and tangy sauce was pure bliss, and I couldn't help but close my eyes in satisfaction.

Iqra and Shifa followed suit, each selecting their favorite slices and savoring the delicious flavors. With our hunger satisfied, Iqra grabbed the TV remote and scrolled through the options, finally settling on an episode of "The Vampire Diaries."

How can I ever get over this show! I can't believe I'm watching it again after having completed watching it two times already!

As the opening credits rolled, I settled back on the bed, my eyes glued to the screen. The familiar strains of the show's theme song filled the room, setting the mood for another thrilling episode.

"This is one of my favorite episodes!" Iqra exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Mine too! I can't wait to see what happens next," Shifa chimed in, her gaze fixed on the screen.

As the story unfolded, we found ourselves drawn into the world of Mystic Falls once again, captivated by the twists and turns of the characters' lives.

Elena's struggles with her newfound vampirism, Damon's conflicted feelings for her, and Stefan's unwavering love and support—all were woven together in a tapestry of love, betrayal, and redemption.

"Stefan and Elena make such a great couple," I remarked, tearing my eyes away from the screen for a moment. "Their love story is truly epic."

"I couldn't agree more," Iqra replied, nodding in agreement. "The way Stefan has always been there for Elena, no matter what— it's just so romantic."

Shifa, however, had a different opinion. "I don't know, I've always been Team Damon," she confessed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I exchanged a knowing glance with Iqra before turning to Shifa with a playful smile. "But Shifa, you have to admit, Damon has caused more trouble than he's worth," I teased, knowing full well the debates we'd had about the show's love triangle.

"That may be true," Shifa conceded, "but there's just something about him that's so... captivating."

"It's not that I don't like Damon- who can not like him? But I'm alwaaays gonna be Team Stelena," I smiled and Iqra nodded, agreeing with me.

As the episode continued, we found ourselves engrossed in the drama unfolding on the screen, each revelation and plot twist eliciting gasps and exclamations from our lips. Despite our differing opinions on the show's romantic pairings, one thing was clear: "The Vampire Diaries" had a way of keeping us hooked until the very end.

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