Part 7: Head Over Heels For Her

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𝐋𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

After I fell sick- thanks to my brother's girlfriend- everything was so boring.
Mom would come and check on me now and then and Iqra and Shifa stayed with me. They would bring me soup every 2 hours. I told them about what happened between me and Imran at the college and well, they were amused by it.

"Layla, you said that to HIM?" Shifa asked with surprise when I told her that I warned Imran by saying that I would kick his ass.

"Um, yes I did. Why? Is he someone special that he can't get his ass kicked by me or anyone?" I said while my voice was coated with sarcasm.

"Okay okay, leave all of that. Do you guys remember how we used to be the simple girls at school? And then all of a sudden, everything changed when Amaan proposed Lay and Tadaa! First, we met Zayn and him, then two of your classmates proposed to you, then that guy, um, Alex! He liked you and would flirt with you all time.
But remember? Amaan didn't give up. He was after you for that whole school year plus college. Then finally you chose to give him a chance and see, where you both are!" Iqra said remembering every detail.

"Ugh, do you not remember that right after Amaan asked you out, so many freaking hot guys wanted you to be their girlfriend? I mean, all of a sudden our worlds changed and we were no longer ordinary girl.

"I still remember when Max asked you out," Shifa said making us go back in time.
This guy- Max- was among the popular freaks who would date girls for fun and do their time pass.
We became friends through Zayn when Zayn got into a huge fight with a classmate of mine - who also liked me.

Max would always trouble me by asking Zayn's whereabouts while I would simply give him the 'dead look' and ignore him.

I couldn't believe that a guy like Max Spencer would want to date me. I did think that he was just messing with me, but later I found out that shut everyone out after I rejected him. All his friends asked me to talk to him as he had totally cut ties with everyone. I was shocked to know that his feelings for me were real. People even said that between Amaan and Max, Max liked me way more than Amaan did. It was surprising. I remember how Zayn reacted to the news when I informed him about it.

He was so shocked that his friend, with whom he was so close, would like me and propose me.

"Yea I know that whole time was INSANE," I responded to them.

To be honest, I never was in the spotlight before or a topic for people to gossip about, but I then became the centre of attraction in our school.

I smiled remembering all the memories of my school and college. How its been almost a year since I became Amaan's girlfriend and Zayn and Hailey as well.

But no matter what I went through, I can always say that Iqra and Shifa never left my side. They have been through me in my best and worst, in my ups and downs and I hope that it continues the way it is.

Between our random talks, a soft knock was heard on my room's door and in came my mom, with ice cream.
"Wow Mom, thank you SO MUCH!" I said as I practically ran towards the ice creams.

To be honest, I was beyond bored from eating the same food for the past 5 hours.

"Layla, this isn't for you, it's for Iqra and Shifa," my mom said as she moved away from me along with the ice creams.

"Mom why? Please let me eat this I'm done with that soup!" I whined, causing the three of them to laugh.
"Relax Lay, I was joking. I just wanted to see how you'd react to this," she said while giving high-fi to Iqra.

I sometimes feel as if I ain't her daughter, huh.
Mom gave all of us ice creams and went outside for some grocery shopping. Usually, it is me who does that, but today's exceptional.

We then went on with our talks for what felt like an hour. They both were gonna spend the night here and then we'd go to college together. My phone's screen blinked, indicating a notification.

"Hey just a min," I excused myself from my bestfriends and checked the notification. It was a message from Amaan, who I remember is my boyfriend.

I wonder what made him message me out of nowhere. In the past 3 months, I've noticed some changes in his behaviour, and to be honest, it affects me.

Just as I was about to reply to him, he called me. I received the call and heard him say, "Hey, how're you doing?"
Surprised by his question, I replied, "Um, not so well. Well, what made you call me, huh?" I asked him being drop-dead serious. "Um, are you, uhm, mad at me?" He asked hoping I would say that he was mistaken.

"Mad? Come on! Who am I to be mad at you, Amaan Malik? Like, only the people you know and talk to have a right to be mad at you, right?"

"Lay, I'm already tired from my busy schedule and here you are, taunting me for calling you."

"Well, I don't remember the last time that YOU and I talked, even as friends, so yes I am mad at you and I surely didn't tell you to call me when you don't wanna do that, alright? So if you wanna hang up, do it." I said, my voice showing finality and frustration.

"Lay what's with your tone? Why are you getting angry over this small thing huh? It's alright if I don't wanna talk to you. You can't decide that for me as it is my life and my wish." He can't be serious, right?

"Amaan, do you know what you're saying? Like, you- you don't want to talk to me now? What the hell is wrong with you Amaan?!" I said with a calm and slow voice.

"Just stop it, alright? I need my space,"
"I don't- I don't understand what you're saying, Amaan!"

"Just shut up Layla! Stop it! I'm done with you and your stupidity!"

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

"Just shut up Layla! Shut up! I'm done with you and your stupidity!"
Just as these words escaped Amaan's mouth, Layla's phone slipped through her hand and she fell to the ground with a thud.
She couldn't believe that her boyfriend just shouted at her.
The guy who was once head over heels for her is now treating her like shit. And this wasn't the first time that he hung up on her.

"Layla baby what's wrong? What did he say?" Iqra and Shifa rushed into the room only to find their best friend crying.

"He- he said that I am stu- stupid and that- that he's had enough of my stupidity," she said between sobs as her bestfriends hugged her.

"Listen, you are Layla Khan, people love you so much and no one can ever hate you. You know that he's a jerk, so why do you even want him, hmm baby?" Iqra asked as her eyes welled up with tears at seeing her bestfriend cry.

"Lay come on! You are too pretty to give a shit about him, hmm? But what happened that he said this awful thing to you?" Shifa asked as Layla replied "He called me to check on me but I know that it was Zayn who insisted on calling me. He doesn't care about me anymore!
You know, it has been four freaking months since we haven't talked properly. Whenever I call him he says he is busy and hangs up on me. He has even shouted at me and said that he's done with me before today. It wasn't the first time."

Both of them knew that there were some problems between Layla and Amaan, but what they didn't know was that he was treating his girlfriend like crap.
And now that they knew this, they weren't gonna spare him for his doings...

• • • • • •

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading!

Wishing you a nice and lovely day ahead!<3

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