Part 12: Your Weird Ass Boyfriend

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Hey lovely people!! Just wanted to make a tiny request to y'all, again! I am sooo very glad and thankful to you guys for choosing to read 'Her Bestfriend's Brother'. It's not just any story to me and means a lot to me<3

As a growing writer, I need all the motivation and support from you guys! I am really happy that we've already crossed 900 views so far and can't express my feelings in wordss!!

But the one thing which kinda holds me back is the fewer votes! I would be forever grateful to y'all if you would vote for the story parts after reading them! It really means a lot, both emotionally as well as to overcome my insecurities !!

Thank you for reading this author's note!!<33 I really hope that yall have a nice pleasant day ahead!! ☘︎︎

Let's continue with the storyyy!!!

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𝐈𝐦𝐫𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

As I was on my way to Layla, I heard some sounds from the parking. I sped up my pace and walked to my car when I bumped into a girl. I held her to prevent her from falling to the ground. Her open hair covered her face, but I could recognise that girl anywhere.

Her eyes were shut tightly as if scared that she would fall to the ground. But when I held her, her face seemed to relax, as if she was safe now. I looked at her, scanning her beautiful features, her long dark brown hair, which seemed lighter under the sun. She looked like an angel.

She opened her eyes and looked at me in relief. "Imran!" She exclaimed and hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go. Confusion was spread all over my face and I looked at her, hesitant to hug her back.

Before I could say anything, I noticed the bruise on her cheeks. Her cheeks were slightly purple as if someone had held her forcefully against her will.

The look of confusion on my face was now switched to anger on the mere thought of someone hurting her.

I touched her cheek and asked, "Layla, what happened?" She looked hesitant and scared.
"No-nothing happened," she spoke and looked away from me.

She looked at how close we were standing. She noticed our proximity. I was holding her securely by the waist and my other hand caressed her cheek softly.

"Layla, come here!" I turned and saw that Tyler, Jordan and Ben were approaching us. They better not be the ones behind this.
"Layla, did they hurt you? Was it them?" I asked her as she nodded and said, "They- they tried to take me with them." They're gonna regret touching her. Bloody bitches.

"Imran! Please stop!" She shouted, but I wasn't gonna stop. All I could think about was beating them till they can't recognise themselves. I punched Jordan in the face and kicked Ben between his legs.

I then held Jordan's collar and said, "Next time before even looking at her, remember that you'll have to face me for it."
"Why, huh? Is she your girlfriend or what?" Jordan said while laughing.

"Just shut the fuck up! Leave Layla out of this. Don't even think about touching her again or you'll see my worst side." I've never felt this much anger before. The thought of someone hurting her makes me want to beat the crap out of them.

"Imran!" Layla shouted, bringing my attention to her. That son of a bitch Tyler was holding her. As I reached there, he punched me on my left cheek. I saw that Layla flinched back and her eyes were filled with tears.

Her Bestfriend's Brother [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now