Part 28: Your Second Best Decision Zayn

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"Layla! Layla are you okay?" Zayn said and hugged me and I flinched before hugging him back. I cried and my tears were soaking his T-shirt wet. "Shh, I'm here now, you're okay," he whispered and caressed my hair.

"Zayn, the whole college knows what- what happened last night," I cried and could see the anger visible in his eyes. "Layla, look here, why didn't you tell me about it before?" He asked as he gently lifted my head up with his hands, to which I replied, "I- I didn't know what to tell you. How could I say that a guy almost- he almost-" "Shh baby, it's fine now, we're here with you."

Iqra and Shifa hugged me and Shifa said, "Layla, was that the reason why you were quiet earlier?" I nodded and she said, "Layla, we're your friends, we care about you. I know that it was hard for you to tell us about something like this, but you must know that no matter what, we would never judge you or think that you are wrong."

"It's not her fault Shifa. She wasn't in a condition to tell me about it, but what about Imran? Couldn't he tell me? She's my fucking sister! She's my best friend and yet he didn't find it necessary to let me know about something that happened with her!" Zayn exclaimed and I flinched at it, again.

"Zayn, it's not his fault, I asked him to not tell you or anyone else about it unless I didn't ask him to," I said defending Imran. "Layla, why?" He asked as he looked at me and said, "Layla you could have messaged me and I would've come with you."

"I didn't know that something tragic like this was gonna happen with me Zayn! Why don't y'all understand me? Why aren't you getting my situation!" I shouted as Max said, "Layla easy. He's just shouting 'cause he is worried for you."
"And do I not care about myself? Thanks to Imran that I am here, safe and sound in front of you all. If he hadn't found me there, God knows what would have happened with me. Zayn," I said softly as I held my best friend's hand.

"I know you are worried for me, and that's normal, for anyone in your place would be tensed, but don't you think that instead of blaming Imran for not telling you about it, you should thank him for helping me?" I said as he nodded.

"Zayn, Imran was equally worried for Layla. More than that, he was worried about your reaction on this and what would you say to her. And do you really think he must've let that guy get away with this? If you think so, let me clear this out for you. No, he didn't let Josh get away with this because Imran made it so clear to him on staying away from Layla, that he hasn't come to college today. He's in the hospital with a severe concussion." Lexi said, and Max nodded, agreeing with her.

"Um, sorry but, who are you?" Shifa asked and she said, "I'm Lexi, Max's girlfriend and Imran's friend. I know what happened last night. I don't know about the issues between you guys, but I can assure you one thing- Imran would never let any guy do anything wrong with any girl. I've experienced it, and it was him who helped me. Remember Tyler and Ben? They were after him because he helped me."

She's Max's girlfriend? Sarah looked at me and asked if I was okay and I nodded, but both of us knew that I wasn't.

"I'm sorry Lay, I don't know why I reacted like that. It's just that you're not only my best friend, but also my little sister. And no brother can see their sister getting hurt. I'm sorry," Zayn said and hugged me and I hugged him back and whispered, "Amaan hasn't even uttered a single word, is he okay?" He kissed my forehead and said, "There's nothing to worry about him right now. He's probably just pissed over this."

Even though Zayn tried his best to convince me that Amaan was okay, I knew he wasn't. He was more pissed over the fact that it was Imran who helped me rather than what happened. I know he's gonna talk about it later. I just know him.

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