Part 48: Milestones

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One Week Later

"Well done Layla, I'm impressed," Ms. Woods patted my back as she handed out our test results. To my surprise, I did pretty well—I came second in the class. I mean, prior to this memory loss, I always came first and everybody knew it. But coping up with my studies in the midst of my illness, I'm happy about my achievement.

As Ms. Woods made her rounds, distributing the papers to each student, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride welling up inside me. It had been a challenging few weeks, juggling doctor's appointments, medication schedules, and the relentless pressure of schoolwork. But somehow, despite the odds stacked against me, I had managed to excel in my studies once again.

"Thanks, Ms. Woods," I smiled gratefully as she passed me back a smile, her eyes twinkling with pride. She had always been one of my favorite teachers, with her gentle demeanor and unwavering support. Knowing that she was proud of my progress meant the world to me.

As I glanced down at my test paper, my heart swelled with satisfaction. Each question answered correctly was a testament to my determination and resilience. Sure, I may not have scored the highest in the class like I used to, but considering everything I had been through, this was a victory worth celebrating.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I gathered my belongings and made my way out of the classroom and headed straight for the cafeteria where we usually meet during the break. Bursting with excitement, I couldn't wait to share my news with my friends.

"Guys! Guess what?" I exclaimed as I approached our usual table, a huge grin plastered across my face. Iqra, Shifa, Zayn, Lexi, and Max all looked up from their conversation, intrigued by my sudden enthusiasm.

"Um, you and he broke up?" Shifa suggested with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, earning a look from everybody.

"That's not funny, Shifa," Iqra said as Shifa felt guilty of her words.

I shook my head, dismissing any hint of offense. "Hey, that's fine, she was just trying to cheer us up," I said, flashing Shifa a reassuring smile. She returned it gratefully, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"But seriously, Layla, what's the big news?" Lexi interjected, her curiosity piqued. She leaned in closer, eager to hear the scoop.

With a dramatic flourish, I revealed the reason behind my excitement. "I came second in my class, like, in the last test series," I announced proudly, watching as their faces lit up with delight.

"Wow, Layla, that's amazing!" Zayn exclaimed, a proud grin spreading across his face. "I knew you could do it!"

"Congratulations, Layla," Max chimed in, reaching across the table to give me a high-five. "That's seriously impressive."

Iqra beamed with pride, her eyes shining with admiration. "I'm so proud of you, Layla. You've been working so hard, and it's great to see your efforts paying off."

Shifa nodded enthusiastically, her smile widening with each passing second. "Yeah, you totally deserve it, Layla. You've been putting in the work, and it's finally paying off."

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