Part 36: Always And Forever

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Layla's 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

"Do you need anything else?" The nurse asked and I shook my head and she smiled in response before leaving the room. I took the fruit plate which she bought and stared at it thinking the same thing again- why do I not know how I ended up here?
That's so confusing. The door to the room opened and Zayn, Iqra and Shifa came in. "Hi baby, how are you feeling now?" Iqra asked and I nodded saying, "Much better, the pain has decreased."

"Shifa, why do you look sad" I asked her when I saw their faces pale. "Oh- uhm, actually-" "Leave that, we have to tell you something more important," Zayn intervened and I looked at him with curiosity. My parents and Zahra entered the room together and Zahra came my way.

She sat beside me and held my hand softly, leaving me in surprise. I don't understand any of this.
"Layla, we have to tell you something. And you may be surprised by it, but please do not panic, we're here with you," My mom said as I looked at her in confusion again.
"What is it mom?"
"Lay, you've been in coma for 2 months."

What? That's- that's not possible. I- I was in coma for 2 months?
I was in coma? How is that even possible?

After saying things like "Don't stress about it Layla, its bad for your health" "Please don't think about it now, we'll talk later" and many more concerning things, they sat on the small sofa and chairs beside me.
I don't understand what happened, it's all very confusing. "Lay, what happened that day before you fainted?" Zayn asked me and I tried to remember what had happened.
"I think it was her birthday party, right?" I asked and they nodded but before I could say anything else, the doctor came in.

"Good evening Layla, how are you feeling now?" The doctor asked and I replied, "Um, my head hurts and I can't exactly remember how I ended up here." He nodded and the nurse assisting him wrote down something on the paper she had. "Can you try to recollect what happened before you fainted?" He asked and I nodded.

"I think it was her birthday, Shifa's birthday and I was-" "Wait what? Whose birthday did you say?" Zayn interrupted and I replied, "Shifa's birthday, and I remember booking a cab to go there. Everything after that is blank, I don't remember anything."

I saw my family and my friends looking at me as if they've fishes flying up in the sky. "Doctor, can we please talk?" Zayn asked and they went out, leaving me with Iqra and Shifa in the room. I don't know why but Shifa's eyes were moist, as if she would cry any moment. "Shif, what's wrong? I'm okay now, I'm here, please don't cry," I said and she hugged me, now sobbing.

"Is it because I ruined your birthday party? I'm so sorry-" "Dumb, shut up and just let me hug you, you're way more important to me than a birthday party," she said and wiped her tears after letting go of the hug.
She got up and walked away without saying anything while Iqra sat with me. "Iqra, is everything else okay?" I asked and she nodded her head quietly. "I love you so much Layla, and I'm glad you're back," she said and kissed my cheek.

The door again opened and Zayn came inside with the doctor. "What is it?" I asked and he sat beside me, holding my hand and said, "Nothing you need to worry about. You're all okay." The doctor came again after a while and did a few tests and went away after prescribing some medications.

Everybody forced me to get some rest and I reluctantly lied down on the bed again. I just came out of a 2 month sleep, how can I sleep again? Huh.

Zayn's P.O.V.


"I'm home, Assalamualaikum," I greeted as I entered my house and was greeted back by my mom. "How was the party?" She asked and I replied, "Yeah, it was nice. Layla went home early, she wasn't feeling good," I replied and she nodded. "I'll go freshen up," I said and went in my room and came out after taking a shower.

"Did you talk to Layla? How's she feeling now?" Mom asked as we sat down together for dinner. Of course I was not eating food here after eating at Layla's place as well as the party, I had to sit with my mom while she had dinner. She becomes very happy when I do that.

"Oh yeah, she has a fever and I'm gonna take her to a doctor tomorrow morning. We stopped by her place to meet her while dropping off Shifa and Iqra."

"What happened all of a sudden? My poor Layla," mom sighed and I replied, "Mom, she's gonna be fine. We talked to her and tried to lighten her mood as well. Let's see what happens tomorrow-" Mom's phone rang, interrupting me in between.

It was Imran. "I'm good, what are you doing?" Mom asked and continued talking to Imran. Why would he wanna stay the night at the Beach house suddenly? Anyways, what do I care.

My phone rang and I checked who was calling me at this hour. It was Layla's Mom.
After receiving the call, I asked, "Mom, is everything okay?" "Zayn, we're taking Layla to the hospital. She fainted 15 minutes ago and is not responding. I even checked her pulse, it's really low," she said with a tensed voice.
"What? Okay, you- you head there, I'm leaving now," I said and she replied, "Iqra and Shifa are here too, please hurry!"

My mom looked at me with confusion all over her face and asked, "Zayn, what's the matter? Who were you talking to and where are you goi-" "Mom it's Layla, she fainted a while ago and is being rushed to the hospital, I'm going there."

I grabbed my car keys and left my house, driving to the hospital. I broke all the signals and traffic rules. I couldn't care less about them when Layla was in a hospital.

"Zayn!" Iqra called out on seeing me in the hospital. "Where is she?" I asked and she lead me to the room where she was. She was still unconscious while the doctors were inside, trying to figure out what happened.

"Mom, she's gonna be alright, you know she is your strong girl, right?" I tried consoling her mom. "How did you find out she fainted? What happened?" I asked and her dad replied, "After around half an hour you all went, she knocked at our door, and as I opened it, she fainted right in front of me"

She was just fine when she was with us, what must have happened?

"Excuse me, are you with Ms. Layla?" The doctor asked and dad nodded. "Yes, we're her parents and family, what's the matter?" "Well, we can't say anything for sure as of now. It looks like she was in severe tension and stress. We're gonna conduct a few more tests, and in the meanwhile, you need to fill up the forms," the Doctor said and I nodded. "But do you have any idea when she'll be back in consciousness again?" Shifa asked and the Doctor said, "We can say that only after we know what's wrong with her, excuse me."

I and Iqra went to the reception to fill the forms so they could start with the necessary treatment. God knows what happened to her. I hope it's nothing too serious.
"Hey, you okay?" Iqra nudged me and I nodded. "You're asking me, but you don't look well too," I said after I noticed her wet eyes. "She's gonna be okay, right?" Iqra asked and broke into tears.

"Hey, you have to be strong. We have to be strong. Is there something else you wanna talk about? I'm your best friend Iqra, you can share it with me," I said and she shook her head, saying, "I'm worried for her. She was tensed a lot. With everything going on between her and Amaan, her parents, and also Im-" "Iqra!"
Shifa interrupted her, not allowing her to continue whatever she was gonna say. "Why is it taking you guys so long?" She asked and gave a look to Iqra, and I couldn't decipher the meaning behind it.

"Nah, nothing. We were filling formalities and having an emotional breakdown," Iqra said and I nodded as Shifa said, "Come on guys, we're her best friends, we can't be weak at this moment when she needs us the most. And we're here for each other, right?" She asked and we nodded as she again spoke, "Always and Forever?"
That's something Layla says. She says it means that we will always be there for each other, no matter what. It's a dialogue from one of her favourite series- The Originals. It bought a smile on our faces as I hugged my best friends and said, "Always and Forever."

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Hey everyone! Thank you for reading! Wishing you a nice and lovely day ahead!<3
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