Part 22: Favourite Song On Repeat

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𝐋𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

"I'd never do anything to hurt you, Layla. Not even in my wildest dreams can I think of harming you. And just so you know, I can never forget the memories we share Layla, never. From our first meet to our first lunch together to the last moment we spent together, I remember everything." 

His words were echoing in my mind as if someone was playing their favourite song on repeat. I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

"Layla Khan." I stand up at the mention of my name and walk to the podium. "So Layla, you have been selected as the lead dancer and now we have to find a partner for you," A girl who looks much younger to be a teacher spoke.

I am selected? But I never gave any audition, then how can they- Oh right. They must've seen the videos of my dance that Imran sent them. Turns out that Imran did this because he knows my liking for dance and thought I'd like it. What he did was wrong but I do like it in a way.

"With all due respect, what about the others who've been wanting this role?" I ask her and she smiles and replies, "About that, we already took their audition just to see if someone else gets this role, but no one dances like you. It's nice of you to think that."

I smiled at her response and we discussed it for a little more time.
Then came a rather difficult task- finding me a partner. We had to audition guys to see who would be my perfect partner in the dance. Imran was here to help and he was conducting the auditions as he is the Ex-President of the college.

He must help in every event of the college, and from what I've seen, he is doing it sincerely.
He was currently showing some dance moves to the participants and trust me, he does it so well! The way his hand goes up in the air, how his hair bounces and his legs move to the rhythm, it's just so... different!

* * * * *

We've been doing this for the past 45 minutes, but still, no guy matches and syncs with me. "Oh wow! I know who to select Layla!" Ms.Claire, our teacher spoke and looked at me with excitement.

Oh god, please help me. She excused herself and went to Imran and whispered something in his ear, to which he immediately denied by nodding his head sideways.

She said something to Imran and then they came towards me, ready to bombard me with her plan. "Layla, I've decided who's gonna be your partner- Imran!" She exclaimed and I looked at Imran, probably with my eyes as huge as tennis balls.

No no no no. This- this can't happen because the moment Zayn finds out, he's gonna think that it was Imran who gave this idea and they're gonna get in a huge fight. I don't want that to happen.

Or, Ms Claire could clarify herself that it was her idea and not Imran's and we all remain safe and happy! Yup, that sounds better, but me and Imran dancing? Ugh! I'm not sure how Zayn and Amaan would react to this. They better not be freaking out.

I looked at Imran who was looking at me and said, "Layla, are you okay with it? 'Coz I don't wanna do this if you're uncomfortable, We can just find someone else, you know." I shook my head and said, "It's fine. You don't- you don't have to do that."

So, our theme was something like a play. We had to dance and act, meaning two activities were combined into one.

I hadn't read the script or the theme yet. Turns out that Clair was just a few years older than us and we got along well. She just said that the theme was dreamy and kind of romantic. She also insisted that we call her just 'Claire' and not 'Ms Claire' because it makes her sound like a 35-year-old teacher.

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