Chapter 3: The Statue(Dr. Abner)

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A/N: Don't worry, this will become a road trip story soon. My writing is just kinda on the slower paced side.

"So, we should...probably introduce ourselves," the one with glasses said. "Hi, um, I'm Katie. I'm 18, and I'm into SCP. I also write in general and sometimes draw."

"I'm Natalie, and I have no idea what the [EXPLETIVE] is going on. I'm 14 and like McDonalds and fashion I guess," said the younger one with short hair.

"Uh, hi then," Dr. Abner said. He stabbed some bacon with his fork. "Not crispy enough."

Katie dropped her fork. "Wait, what about 173? I'm pretty sure a lot of people are—"

Just then Mochi jumped onto the table and proceeded to drink Katie's milk.

"Bad kitty! Bad! No!" Natalie said. Katie sighed and carried Mochi to the living room, and the sounds of scratching, yelping, and the opening of a can could be heard. She came back with a scratch mark on her arm and a furball stuck to her shirt. "Welp, Mochi's fed now."

Well, this day is off to an excellent start, Abner thought. He was pretty sure the girls were also being sarcastic in their heads, based on their expressions.

"Uh anyways, I think we should lock peanut in a room or something," Katie said. They sighed and trudged outside. "So where is it?" Natalie asked. "And that's the statue that snaps necks, right?"

"Yep. Um..." she squinted in the distance, staring at a window." "Hold on, I think I see something over there. Let's go outside."

They walked there and sure enough, it was the same statue from earlier. "Don't blink guys, step back without breaking eye contact," Katie said. Their eyes watered as they slowly stepped back, being careful to always stare at it. Everyone would try to ask before blinking, and they only stopped when they got to the house. Katie slammed the door in relief. "God, it's hot today."

"So, what should we do?" asked Katie. "Do we lock it in a room?"

"I guess. I'm assuming you don't have a containment cell made from a titanium alloy stronger than steel in your house?" Erik said.

"Okay then, go back there, get it in a toy wagon or something, have everyone stare at it, and lock it, the guest bedroom. Nobody uses that place anyways, we have a completely empty other bedroom if we really need it," Natalie said.

"And well, we'll deal with the blood and..." Katie hesitated for a second. "...feces later."

"You're telling me this thing has bloody poop?" Natalie looked a mix of disgusted and unsure about something, most likely the plan.

"Yeah, remember the article?"

"Uhm, I'd just like to point out that it would be extremely hard to load it on a Radio Flyer wagon or whatever, but other than that, sounds like a good recontainment plan" Dr. Abner added. "Wait, is recontainment actually a word? Then again, I'm pretty sure hume, noosphere, and cognitohazard aren't either, so...oh. Lost my train of thought."

The girls were staring at them, Natalie in particular was not only staring, but glaring. Oof.

"Well, I think it would be better if–"


"[EXPLETIVE], it's getting closer," he said as he fidgeted with his amulet. It was a nervous habit of his.

They looked out the window and there it was, the concrete and rebar statue, snapper of necks, 173, peanut, in all its glory (or un-glory).

"Yeesh, this reminds me of that one failed art project from 7th grade, uuuugh," Katie said.

"I'm getting the wagon." Natalie bolted to a closet and dragged out a small red Radio Flyer red wagon.

"Cool. It might just fit. Where'd you get it?" Abner said in a rush.

"Dad's. No time for talk," Katie said hastily before dragging it to the doorway. "Okay, ready or not, it's staring contest time."

As the door swung open, everyone began to slightly panic. Natalie was squinting her eyes as beads of sweat from the hot summer sun trickled down her face like raindrops on a car window.

It took all three of them to lift it into the wagon, but eventually they managed it. They were dragging it back inside when they all blinked.

Mentions in this chapter: SCP-173

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