Chapter 6: Packing/Top 10 Hot Anime Waifus in Your Area(Natalie)

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A/N: My friend made the title, not me. This actually gives me some ideas for this chapter though.

"Are you kidding me?"

Natalie couldn't believe she had to go on a cross-country road trip with some random person she just met yesterday.

"Can't you just leave me here and get murdered yourself?" she said.

"Well, haven't you always wanted to go there? Besides, Mom asked me to look after you for the whole summer while she was away, and I promised."

It took a lot of arguing in circles, but she eventually (reluctantly) agreed to go.

"K, start packing. We're leaving soon," Katie said.

"Tomorrow morning! That makes more sense," Natalie said.


One day later...

Natalie packed about a week's worth of clothes total, with different outfits for different kinds of weather. She packed 10 outfits in total, including pajamas. As she rolled her packed hot pink personal luggage/big rolling backpack, she watched Katie haul her duffle bag and Abner get their dad's old luggage from the closet. He had also just borrowed their dad's clothes. Natalie sighed. That brought back memories, and not the good kind.

"All ready?" Katie asked.

"Yup," the other two replied in unison.

15 minutes later...

They stepped out of the car. Katie had to stop for gas, since they were going on a long cross-country road trip.

Natalie and Erik walked out. "Hey sis, can I get a candy bar?"

"Sure, just don't get too much."

She walked to the snack area and found a Snickers. Abner, however, was more interested in the magazines. He glanced at one and squealed with delight, like a small child with a lollipop. He paid for it eagerly, with everyone giving him a weird look.

What could possibly get him this excited? thought Natalie. She paid for her chocolate alongside that.

As they walked back to the car, Natalie tried to get a glimpse of the magazine. Abner held it in a position where she couldn't see the title.

Their car was a red convertible. Its color wasn't quite like the standard car red, but not a super dark maroonish color, either. It was more like a ruby color. Despite the fact that it was old and a little beat-up, it still had some shine to it. The sisters loved it, as it reminded them of their late dad. It was his, and Katie decided to drive it instead of getting a new car.

Natalie had vivid memories of it, from going on road trips with her family (though never a cross-country one), to washing it and splashing around with Katie, to sitting on the hood and relaxing with her dad.

She sighed. Things are so different now. She used to be so carefree.

"Hey, kiddo, can you hear me?"

Abner's voice snapped her back to reality, from her daydreaming/inner monologue.

"Earth to Nancy, earth to Nancy, can you hear me?"

"My name is Natalie," she said with the slightest hint of aggravation.

"Oh good, she's not dead!"

She rolled her eyes. "Let's walk back."

They sauntered to the car, the sound of the doctor's shoes against the pavement being the only thing Natalie paid any real attention to. She just wanted to relax.

Katie unlocked the car doors for them. Abner rode in the front passenger seat, while Natalie sat in the right back seat.

"Why can't I ride shotgun?" she complained.

"Because you're the youngest, can't drive, and he—" she gestured to Abner— "can't die."

It took another few minutes of arguing, but Abner managed to convince Natalie to sit where she was.

Katie inserted the keys in, and gave them a light turn.

"Hey, what's that magazine you were so excited about?" Natalie asked.

"Only the best magazine ever! It's called—" he hesitated for a moment— "...Top 10 Hot Anime Waifus in Your Area."

Natalie burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me?"

Katie also gave a slight laugh, and looked a little uncomfortable.

Abner looked a little embarrassed. "So, where to?"

"Well, I'm just planning on going to Vegas today. Like, just a 4 hour drive. I don't trust myself to do anything longer."

Abner laughed. "To Nevada we go, then!"

A/N: Yay, they finally set off after 6 chapters! Woo-hoo! My writing isn't that slow! Also, yeah, their dad died.

Mentions in this chapter: No new pages to link, actually! Have a break, lazylittlehotsauce! Also, at the time of writing this, it's Pi Day! (lol, I bulk write chapters when I have free time so I can still have stuff to post when I'm busy.)

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