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"I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START." I WHISPERED INTO THE SILENCE HAVING gone over numerous sceneries mostly resulting with negative outcomes. 

"Well I'll start with a thank you for making this, I never got a chance before."

I glanced up in surprise as she extracted the metal rose from her bra and it rested in her palm. I brushed my fingers over it and smiled though it felt like so long ago. 

"No need but I'm glad you liked it.'ve been through...I don't know how to even begin to apologise." I babbled looking down as I was no longer able to meet her eyes. 

"Jason just tell me and I'll try my best. Look you don't mean me any harm did you?" She started off so sure but trailed off doubt creeping in.

"No! Of course not, I would never intentionally put you in harm's way. I love you." I hated how she doubted that but I could hardly blame her at this point. "Please, if you don't believe anything else believe that I love you," I pleaded. 

"Okay Jason and I love you too."

Smiling briefly, I took a deep breath before beginning. 

"Do you remember in the clinic when my eyes changed, that I healed fast...that I was strong when you were attacked?" When she nodded confused I continued. "Well um the thing is the reason why I can do those things is because well, I'm a shifter." 

Her eyebrows raised and eyes widened. "What?"

"I can shift into a wolf."

"Like a werewolf," she exclaimed, almost laughing. 

"Kind of but with fewer limitations. We can shift at any time. Look it's not something I can control, I was born this way. It's genetic like being human."

Her smile dropped "oh you're serious." I nodded trying to make her believe but she just stood up and started pacing. "But you can't be serious you're crazy." 

She continued to mutter under her breath and I let her for a while, trying to get her to let it out. Eventually though I pulled her to a stop and gently lifted up her chin so that she was looking at my face. 

"I promise you that I am telling the truth, there is no other explanation. I can show you if you want, just promise me that you will not run. Belle please, just trust me." 

She looked into my eyes searching for something until she nodded her head slightly. 

"Show me."

"Alright. I love you Belle." Kissing her forehead, I kept my lips brushed against her skin as I spoke.  "Just remember that I won't hurt you. Why don't you sit down?" I added gesturing towards the stump. 

I waited until she had seated herself, crossing her legs before I started to remove my clothes. I smiled as a blush blossomed across her cheeks though she didn't look away as I removed my boxers. Keeping eye contact with her I slowly started the shift and tried to not let any sound of discomfort escape from my lips since I did not want to alarm her. Her eyes widened as my bones broke and rearranged themselves. Panting as I finished I felt the last of my wounds heal. I tentatively stepped forward but stopped when she flinched. I tilted my head to the side looking her deeply in the eyes. Hesitatingly Belle uncrossed her legs and touched the ground. Slowly she stepped forward and I decided that I would wait for her to come to me. After several minutes though it felt like hours she reached out and brushed her hand through my fur. On first contact she recalled briefly but I placed my nose under her fingers and she chuckled before stroking my wolf's cheek. Leaning into her palm I closed my eyes, a rumble bubbling up from my chest. 

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