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IT TOOK A MOMENT FOR MY MIND TO CATCH UP; THE LIST OF NAMES I NOW forced myself to remember as my father had once done, so that he would know each pack member, now longer than ever. 

"William Heathe?" I asked to make sure, the name cemented on the surface of the much shorter list of who I owed my life 

"Yes Alpha. Luna," he said, head still bowed as Nikki touched his shoulder. 

Will held her hand there but still did not get up and when I realised he was waiting for me I readily asked him to stand. As he did so, I surveyed him: he was lanky and looked ready for going on his first date but his eyes were honest and his love for my sister shone from them. He sure looked a lot better than the first time I had seen him when he had saved my life.

They stood before me, hands clasped, nervously waiting for my response since I had kept my face neutral throughout, a skill I had once hated about my father but since come to appreciate. I wondered briefly how they had met but put it aside for later first I had to be sure. I had to do my duty as the last remaining family member.

"What are your intentions towards my sister: Nikita?" I said sternly, ignoring Belle's look of disapproval at my tone. 

Will looked baffled at my question but when he saw I was serious sobered up and straightened further.

"She is my mate and I want to love and protect her always. Marry her and have children also if she wishes...when we're ready of course," Bill hastily added and looked down at Nikki as he said the last. She blushingly nodded, moving closer into his side as he continued. "But first I wish to seek acceptance into your family as her mate before we mark each other...Alpha," he added on, bowing his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Belle nudged me in the side as I considered his words but there was one more thing before I would embrace him as Belle so eagerly seemed to want. 

"And if it came down to it and you had to choose between my life, your Alpha, or your mates, whose would you choose?" I slowly said the words so that there was no misinterpretation and waited as he struggled as if sucking a particularly sour lemon. 

"Nikki. I'm sorry Alpha but I would choose her," he sighed in defeat, shoulders sinking as if he had given up all hope in admitting his choice. 

Moving forward, he flinched slightly but then held his ground as we continued, Belle warily gripping my arm and exchanging looks with Nikki. Standing directly before him, I did not tower over him as I did with most, only an inch still separated us as he looked me warily in the eye. No matter the small difference in height, I was much broader and I knew there would be no contest if it ever came down to it. I threw my arms up and he did better at controlling himself as he didn't flinch at all this time but my intention was not to harm. I gripped him in a fierce hug as was custom, grinning as I welcomed him silently. Just as we were parting I muttered some choose threats into his ear so quietly that even with shifter hearing no-one else would be able to hear. I felt him gulp and nod his understanding before we parted smiling once more though it took several more moments for his to turn genuine. 

"Well now that we are all friends do you think you can fill me in on how you two met?" Belle said lightly as she moved from her position behind me.

"Sorry hun, Will here actually saved my life by taking a knife that was meant for me from the old Alpha."

Belle gasped beside me and before I could stop her wrapped her arms around Will. He stood ram rod straight, hands raised and not inhaling as I snarled. Pulling Belle back, I ignored her "hey" as I watched as he got control of himself. 

"I was only going to thank him you overprotective idiot! Ah ah before you start I know I'm in heat but there is still no need to be impolite." 

She turned away from me, and thanked Will but was wise enough to maintain the distance this time.

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