chapter 21

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Naked trues

Yn pov:

" may i come in?? " was heard from the other side of the door while i was working. As much as i knew i wasn't expecting someone at this time. Then it clicked in my mind that it was maybe her.

Clearing my throat i said " yes. " when the door opened actually revealing her. There she was, standing while looking down. I look at her for a moment before getting up from my seat going towards my window, which shows the perfect view of Seoul city down me.

It was a busy Wednesday morning, people are going to their works while teenagers to their school/ colleges. I hear the chair behind me slightly shift making me know that she is sitting on it. I still didn't look at her, i don't want to.

" how are you? " Lisa finally asked after some minutes, ending the awkward silence in the room. Well i am glad for her to break it first. " much better than before i guess. " i said looking up to her then again looking at my laptop.

I am seriously not very much interested to know how she is or what she is doing. " yn can you atleast please talk to me. " she said placing her hand on top of mine. I look at our hand for a few seconds before looking at her. " talk to you?? Is there anything left to be talked about?"

I said taking my hand back. She look down probably feeling embarrassed but it's not like i give a shit about it now. " i am sorry. " Lisa whispered quietly but enough for me to hear. I scoffed hearing her. " Sorry!!! Huh like literally sorry, is this what you really wanna say... "

" i swear yn, i- i didn't knew anything about it before your wedding day. I just got to know about it when i saw jungkook at the wedding hall and realized it was already too late that i- " i cut her off in the middle of her sentence.

" but if you saw him before our vows and gotten to know that it was him, i was going to marry then why didn't you tell me about this right at the moment Lisa. " i said as tears started to build up in my eyes recalling all the incidents before.

" i was sacred yn, i was so sacred and shocked at that moment when i knew my boyfriend was going to marry my bestfriend. Then i remembered that how excited you were for this marriage, how happy you were, how you already so in love with him. I didn't wanted to break your heart. "

I look away from her knowing my own tears will betray me at any moment. " do you think what you did was right?? Do you think i am happy now?? Do you think i will be fucking grateful after hearing my own husband saying he wants divorce from me at our first night as a married couple?? Do you think i will be able to live my life peacefully after knowing my husband is in love with my bestfriend and was in a relationship with and just married me because he was forced to do so."

I got up from my chair going towards the window as my tears started falling uncontrollably. I don't want to look weak infront of her. I don't want to show her the vulnerable side of me ever again. I took a deep breath before speaking again " you didn't wanted to just break my heart Lisa but you have already broken me into thousand pieces. And i don't think that thousand piece will be mend ever again. "

I hear her sobbing behind me. For a moment i just wanted to go to her and hug her tightly forgetting everything. For a moment i wished she was just my bestfriend whom i loved with all my heart but not the lover of my husband. For a moment i just wanted to run to her hugging her tightly saying everything will be alright but i know it will never be alright again, it will never be the same again.

" i know yn it's hard for you to forgive me but still i hope you will never forget me or our friendship as it is the thing that i will cherish for the rest of my life. Sorry will not be enough for all the things that happened in your life because of me but still if you e- ever need a friend don't forget i will always be there for you. I will do anything for your forgiveness if- if its giving up on my love i will do it also. But i can't lose you yn, i can't lose my bestfriend. " she said before going out of the room.

As soon as i hear the door closing i broke down in tears falling into my knees. " i also don't want to lose my bestfriend Lisa. You meant everything to me but still i can't, i just can't come to the point to forget everything. It will never be the same again as- as
I know something now that will change every one of our life. "

** time skip **

" i can't believe she said all this yn. " jimin said hugging me tightly as i also hugged him feeling comfort in his arm. " did jungkook said anything to you??"
He asked as i shaked my head as no still in his embrace.

" wanna come to my house tonight, we will  watch some movies and cuddle. " he said breaking the hug. " no i just want to go to my home and sleep. "
" okay if you say so as i know you need some time alone. I will drive you to your house and you can't say no to me. " he said giving me puppy eyes.

I chuckle looking at his cute face.
" okay then mister. You are at my service today. " i said pulling his cheeks not being able to resist.
" okay ma'am, may i have the honour then?? " he said giving me his hand as i also give him my hand before intertwining them. He smiled at me making his eyes disappear, i couldn't help but smile back.

This man really knows how to cheer me up. Smiling at each other we started walking our of my office hand in hand. The full office building is empty right now as it is almost midnight. I mentally thank god at this because if someone saw me and jimin walking while holding hands, then this will probably be the breaking news the very next morning.

" Jeon yn was seen holding hands with Park jimin the owner of the great PARK industrial. " i chuckle at my own thoughts then look at our intertwined hands, only if i wasn't married would i probably be dating him now?? Well it would have been great to be his girlfriend, the girl will be so lucky who will have him.

But didn't our moments meant nothing to him?? It would probably not as he sees me only as his bestfriend and is only helping me throughout this miserable time of my life. He is also probably pitying me knowing my husband loves my bestfriend.

Huhh what a great love triangle it is right!!! I came out of my thoughts after hearing the click sound of the elevator. " lets go. " he said pulling my hand going into the elevator before pressing the ground button. All this time our hand was still intertwined.


" your man is at your service ma'am. " jimin said opening the car door for me while my heart did a flip hearing him calling himself my man. I swear at this moment i could feel the butterflies having a very lavish part in my stomach.

Feeling my cheeks heating up i give him an awkward smile before sitting in the car. He close the door going towards the driver side while i place my hand on my chest feeling heart beating rapidly against it.

Shit yn don't be a stupid again. Just fucking don't. I look outside the window after saw him coming inside the car......
The whole car ride was silent but not awkward. It was a peaceful silence which i needed the most at this moment. Sometimes he would play some songs to keep both of us entertained.

But my focus was outside the window all this time, i could feel him taking glances at me every few minutes. I sighed after seeing we finally reached our destination. My hohim , i wish i could have the pleasure to call it home but i can't. It's just a house, its just a place with a roof to spend the night.

Even if my husband is in the same place but i still can't find the happiness of a home. I look at jimin when i feel him placing his hand on my thigh caressing it slowly. " are you sure you don't wanna go to my house??" He said i nodded my head looking down not finding any proper words to answer him.

" i swear i will keep my hands to myself. " he said chuckling a bit.
" yeah i can see that. " i said pointing at his hand which was still on my thigh well more like on my upper thigh. " well oppss sorry i just can't help it when you are near me. " he said as i again feel my cheeks heating up.

" yeah yeah i know mister park jimin. See you tomorrow. " i said going out of the car, waving to him before finally going inside.
It was dark inside. I sighed knowing it will be just me home alone again....

But then suddenly someone turned on the lights. I cover my eyes feeling brightness all of a sudden. Slowly opening my eyes i saw him...

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