What Was Always Meant To Be

232 20 14

TW⚠️: Death, Self-Hatred, Anorexia

Eugene knew how this went already. They were standing in front of their mirror, wearing a plain white shirt and gray pajama pants. Their reflection was looking back at them with the same look Eugene was giving to themselves.

Embarrassment and loathing.

They were embarrassed that they were kicked out of the only place where they felt like they belonged and they didn't even understand why.

They loathed the fact that their clinginess led to an early end to the friendship of them and the ghosts at the Underworld Office.

Was it even a friendship in the first place?

Had they really delusioned themselves that people (or ghosts) would still want to be friends with them?

Maybe. Maybe they did.

That didn't matter now, though, because they were gone from Eugene's life. Everything was going so well and they just had to mess it up.

Eugene sighed and looked down in shame. Their reflection didn't follow suit, choosing instead to look at their counterpart in great disappointment.

The teen woke up with a gasp, cold sweat covering their body. These nightmares have been getting more frequent ever since... the incident happened.

It's been three weeks since that and no ghost had bothered to visit them once. Any hope of meeting them again was dwindling as days and weeks passed.

Eugene thought that things would go back to what they were before meeting them. It turned out to be much worse.

The company of the ghosts was something Eugene got used to quickly. With them being absent, there was a gaping hole left behind that wasn't there prior to their first encounter.

Places they went to together served as bittersweet memories as Eugene was reminded of the best days of their lives. Days that they'll never experience again.

Life just seems duller than it used to be. There's always been a good chunk of uncertainty looming over but nowadays, the teen didn't know how to live on.

Getting up from their bed, Eugene went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and then took a quick shower. After that, they went back to their room where they put on a different white shirt, their blue cuffed shorts, white knee-high socks, their beloved burgundy hoodie, and glasses.

Stepping into the living room, Eugene wasn't surprised to see the place desolate. The same goes for the kitchen and dining room. They've been the sole occupant of this apartment for the past 4 months. Their parents were off doing who-knows-what somewhere else. It's fine, they've been gone for longer before. They're used to living alone.

"Doesn't mean I like it..." thought Eugene.

Grabbing their bag from the couch and putting on a pair of shoes, they went straight for the door, stomach grumbling. The kid hadn't been eating properly ever since their... misfortune. The last time they ate something was eight days ago.

Walking to school has been more tiring and difficult than usual. Eugene already knew that it's because of the lack of food they've been eating but they're not bothering to remedy the situation. There wasn't any point in doing so.

Passing by the flower shop, they could hear a conversation take place between Linda, Sean's mother and owner of the place, with a stranger.

"I'm happy to see you being yourself again, Linda." said the stranger.

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