Into The Underworld Library

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TW: Descriptions of child abuse, graphic depictions of violence, and swearing.

"Bullshit!" exclaimed River, ready to give Benson a piece of her mind before Joan held her back.

"Calm down now, River! Benson, are you sure-" Beal was cut off by Benson engulfing him in a bone-crushing hug (fortunately for Beal, he no longer had any bones). "Woah! Okay, coming in hot. Are you okay?"

"I saw us... Back when we were... alive. The diner! I-I was... I was there again! I was there when it happened! I saw it all over again! I saw... you-" Benson couldn't finish what he was saying as the floodgates opened and he started sobbing on Beal's shoulder, to the surprise of the other ghosts.

"Shh, calm down now." comforted Beal, "We got our revenge, didn't we? It was all your idea too."

"I'm such a... I'm such a horrible brother! I couldn't save you, Beal! I-" Beal was the one who cut off his twin this time.

"I'm okay, Benson. We're okay. You couldn't stop me from getting killed. So what? You saved my ass more times than I can count to compensate. You're a great brother, alright? I would never trade you for another twin. Never." Beal hugged Benson as tight as the latter was hugging him.


That exchange happened nine days ago. Nine days since they defeated the monster that haunted the night. Nine days since anyone's seen a shadow of Boss. Nine days since Benson claimed that Eugene tried sending him to Limbo.

He told the trio the story of how it happened. How he scared off Eugene and got into a chase with them (River had to subdue the urge to scold him for that due to his already pitiful state). He told them about the dark spirit that he fought in a train. Most importantly, he told them about Eugene bringing up his worst memory as shadows tried dragging him below before he got away by teleporting.

Throughout the entire retelling, River was trying to convince herself that it was all ridiculous. Maybe it was a ghost that was impersonating Eugene. But if that were the case, how could the ghost in Benson's story also give people nightmares? Maybe the dark spirit was the one who did all those things. But then why didn't they do it in the first place when they were dueling?

This didn't make any sense! Eugene wouldn't do that! How could they even do that?! When did they learn to do those things?! It's a misunderstanding, it's got to be! Any other explanation is a dead end!

But then again, she only has one side of the story. All she'd seen of Eugene being dead (that thought still made her sick) so far was what they looked like and how it happened. She doesn't know anything that happened in between that aside from giving mortals nightmares. If she can find Eugene and convince them that she's on their side, maybe she can help them. Maybe she can even find out what those powers they possess are.

That has been her priority for the past week. Unfortunately for her, any reported nightmares were only happening in the subway, a place she can't enter due to the fact that it'll turn her into a monster. Beal has been checking the place ever since Benson came back, trying to catch the dark spirit (and presumably beat them to a pulp) but he has had no luck.

Instead, River has been working for the Underworld Office again under Joan's command. She was still suspended for five days for attacking her and Boss but with only two workers remaining, she couldn't sustain it for long. The elderly ghost even recruited Sean to make up for the shortage of workers. River's return to the office lifted some weight off of Joan's shoulders as she no longer had to lead it by herself with Boss still not making an appearance.

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