Cuts Deeper Than A Knife To Your Throat

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"I gave you one job and you somehow managed to fumble it."

"It wasn't my job in the first place, you lazy ass. You were the one tasked with this!"

"I was busy! I was going to take over for you as soon as I was free!"

"What's so important that you gave your task to me!?"

"Both of you, enough." Boss's words sliced through the bickering with the precision of a hwando.

River, Boss, and the twins teleported back to the library shortly after the quartet of dream-visitors got caught red-handed. Hayden and Kitty were let off with a warning from Boss and thus, were promptly dismissed. On the other hand, River and Benson were both in a heap of trouble.

That didn't stop Benson from arguing that he was innocent. Though he was clearly trying to save his own, River was thankful that he wasn't saying anything that threw her under the bus. He preferred to blame his twin for the events that happened. Unsurprisingly, Beal wasn't going down without arguing back.

River watched as the twins were getting scolded by Boss. It was only a matter of time until it was her turn but she figured she'd enjoy the moment for now. After all, there wasn't much Boss could do to her due to her suspension. It's not like he can double suspend her somehow, right?

"As for you," Boss pointed at her. "I have a lot to say about to you."

"I can say the same." thought River.

"You put the entire office in danger by attacking me and then you dragged Hayden into visiting a dream with the knowledge that you were suspended!" said Boss angrily.

"Oh please, does being suspended include the removal of my freedom to do something?" River fired back.

"Weren't you explicitly told that you were not to do Underworld Office activities until your suspension was lifted!?" heasked furiously.

"No!" she answered furiously.

Boss glanced at the twins again, eyes narrowing. The duo merely shrugged in response. Beal glared at Benson who pretended to be distracted by the ceiling. A few moments later, Boss sighed. His arms crossed over and he appeared to be less tense than before.

"Well now you know. Next up-" he was cut off by River.

"Hold on, you already had your turn. It's my turn to speak!" she exclaimed.

"I wasn't done-" Boss was once again cut off by the long-haired ghost.

"All of this could've been avoided had you just not left Eugene to fend for themselves!" River started. "You could've sent someone! Anyone! Maybe even check on them yourself! But no! For some odd reason you thought they would be perfectly fine! As if you were completely clueless to how they were acting when we first met them! Do you not remember what they looked like after giving them a simple compliment!? They don't get those often by the looks of it! What made you think that leaving them completely alone was a smart move!?"

"Look, I admit it was a bad decision when you look back on it. But you have to understand-" Boss was cut off for the third time in a row.

"Understand what exactly? Enlighten me! How did you somehow come to the conclusion that this was the best course of action!?" asked River heatedly.

It was silent for a few seconds. No word was uttered in that timespan. While River was glaring daggers at Boss who was trying to think of an answer, the twins were in the background prepared to intervene if another brawl took place.

"I first saw Eugene as a kid who was too afraid of everything. That's why I only gave them three jobs to complete." started Boss. "It was simple enough yet beneficial for the both of us. However, with each job they completed, I saw something new. I saw a stronger version of themselves. I realized that there was more to them than meets the eye. With a little push, they could break out of the shell they were trapped in.

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