A Tale Of One Half

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River was staring into a window of a house, watching its residents and visitors socialize. Today is Christmas and the loneliness of being a ghost has peaked. She hasn't even settled into being a ghost properly yet. Despite how long it's been, it still felt like it happened yesterday. Any day following just a blur of the same cold and pain she was experiencing at this moment. Only this time, it was amplified to the point of numbness.

But maybe; just maybe, seeing her family could give some semblance of warmth. Despite no longer interacting with them, she can still be with them. It would be like she never left. Like the subway incident never happened.

"Having a nice Christmas, River?" a monotone voice said from behind her back.

If only fantasy overcame reality.

"What are you doing here, Boss?" asked River, "You're a long way from home."

"I've been away farther." Boss curtly replied. "They look happy."

"I wish I could say the same for myself." she muttered.

"But they also look like they're hiding some sorrow." he voiced out his observation, which took River by surprise. "That woman over there with the light brown hair and Santa hat looks relaxed but her eyes are glassy. The man over there looks like he's faking his energy. That little boy over there keeps on looking at the front door."

"You didn't answer my question." River deflected.

"My dynasty wasn't too keen on celebrating Christmas because we believed in Confucianism. Ever since I formed the Underworld Office, I've been celebrating it with co-workers. I wanted to do the same with you this year." explained Boss, still observing the house's occupants.

"Not much to celebrate here, sorry." said River miserably.

"You're hurting, they're hurting, why not comfort each other?" asked Boss and again, River was surprised.

"How can I do that?" she asked.

"You go in there, just move around, and they'll feel your presence. It'll make them livelier, maybe it'll make you feel better as well." he answered.

Curious, River phased through the wall and did as suggested. She first went to her mom and dad, who were sitting on chairs drinking hot chocolate. She enveloped them both in what was as close to a hug as she can give them without phasing through. It didn't seem to be doing much at first, but then her mom sighed and put her head on dad's shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"Do you feel that, Robert? I feel like our lost daughter is here. She's finally come to visit us." she said to her husband.

"I do too, Janine. It must be a Christmas miracle." he replied.

Seeing them both smile made River imitate the position of their lips. She was here! They know she's here! It's all a ghost could ask for!

"Having a nice Christmas, River?" Boss repeated his question from earlier.

"I am now. Thank you." she gratefully said to which Boss nodded.

"Now go have fun with the rest of your family. And remember, cherish the people you love and make them know that."


Despite their differences, River will always keep that quote at heart. It was something she didn't do enough of until it was already too late. She swore to never let that happen again and she intends to keep that promise. No longer will anyone she loves suffer alone.

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