The Kids Are In Danger

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"Mind telling me why you've never told me about this!?" said Benson as he dodged an attack from the monster.

"Aria entrusted me with this alone while she's out visiting a friend in another state!" answered Beal as he hid behind a vehicle to avoid an attack.

"How long until she gets back!?" asked Benson, blocking an attack with his baton.

"A week or so?" said Beal uncertainly.

"Oh come on!-"

"Guys! Focus!" River called out as she launched herself to the monster with her hair.

River threw several kicks and then used her hair to hold the monster down temporarily, tying it down its neck. Meanwhile, the twin were getting ready to launch their own attack as Benson threw his fedora at the monster while Beal jumped on said fedora to get closer to it, intending to hit it with his baton. Beal managed to hit it on the head while the fedora sliced through both sides of the monster as changed back to the direction of its owner.

Unfortunately, River's hold on the thing weakened as it thrashed around and she was ultimately thrown off into the air. As she landed back on the ground, the monster was in the middle of launching an attack at her but Beal blocked it with his fedora that increased in size.

"Benson! Throw your hat again! River! Try tying it up! I'll cover you!" shouted Beal.

The trio immediately went into action. Benson threw his fedora again but the monster dodged. That seemed to be a blessing in disguise as while it was distracted by Benson, River managed to get behind it. Beal hit it with his baton to avert its attention to him while River ran up its backside and used her hair to tie both its arms up. It wasn't going to let up, however, as it merely slammed River back on the ground.


"Who the fuck is it even talking about!? Who are Finley and Tatum!?" asked Benson as he was hit by a strike, ultimately going through a building.

"We'll deal with that later! Right now, let's just stop this thing!" responded Beal as he dodged an attack by mere inches.

River took her chance again as she stood back up and jumped high in the air and landed on the monster's back again. This time, she tied her hair on the neck again and tried decapitating it. Unexpectedly, the monster reacted by running away so River had to hold on tightly.

"We'll catch up to you! Don't let it get away!" shouted Beal as he ran off to presumably check on his brother.

So River did her best holding on. The abomination would occasionally stop and try to hide in a person's dream but she would simply pull just hard enough that it retches back and continues to go on the run. If any person could see what was unfolding, it would look like Rapunzel's long lost sister was horseback riding a creature from Hell with her own hair acting as a leash. Monster-back riding? She should turn that into a sport.

She eventually came to the conclusion that she cannot go on like this forever. Not by herself, at least. The monster could throw her off at any moment and she could either lose it or suffer great pain if it unloads a flurry of attacks on her. She needed help, and the twins didn't seem to be near enough to provide that for now.

That would soon be the case for her as in the distance, a familiar flower shop was taking shape and a ghost was standing in front of it as usual. To her horror, that ghost just so happened to be Sean and he would probably get hurt more than he could help.

"Sean!" River called out, "Get out of the way!"

"River? What do you- OH MY GOODNESS!" Sean jumped out of the way, dropping his basket of flowers in the process.

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