Dying Is Scary

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Dying is scary...

So why haven't they been scared throughout the entire time they've been dead? Is it because they don't remember the reason they were scared in the first place? Does being a ghost make you numb to fear? That can't be true, Miss Shadow and Mister Ancient scared them quite a bit.

It's only been two days since they were chased by the two ghosts. Since they didn't know what their names were, they decided to name them themselves. The historic ghost is Mister Ancient, the baby is Hamilton, and the lady from that other chase is Miss Shadow. They highly doubted that these were their actual names but what else were they going to do? Ask them in risk of something happening to them?

Knowing that there are other ghosts looking for them out there, they decided to lay low a bit. Just for a few nights, they won't pass through streets and places they usually go to. Yeah, it sucks since they have to temporarily abandon one of the few familiar things to them but new things won't hurt that much, right?

But what if it did?

Eugene knew they were overthinking this now. It seems that their anxiety may have transferred over to their ghost form. Seriously? Their memories couldn't make it but their anxiety can? That's just plain cruel. But then again, they never felt otherwise.


Their name is Eugene. The revelation still hasn't fully sunk in for them. They finally find out what their name was!

Too bad it sucks.

Okay, that may be a bit too harsh. The name itself had nothing wrong with it, they just don't see themselves being called that. Maybe if a certain attribute was present then maybe they can actually see themselves as a Eugene. But NO! THEY'RE STUCK WITH NEVER KNOWING WHAT THEIR LIFE WAS ACTUALLY LIKE AND WHAT CAUSED THEM TO BE LIKE THIS! WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE THEM SO MU-


What were they doing in an empty apartment?

Dying is scary...

This place felt... familiar. Bittersweet. It felt comforting and... cold. Oh so cold. It looked to be recently abandoned, dust covering a few surfaces and the furniture being arranged neatly in their own spots. A human still occupying this space was believable but it looked to not have been touched in a while. Definitely not years or even months, but like no one has been here for a few weeks.

Eugene checked every room the apartment had. Was it an invasion of privacy? Maybe. But something led them here. Their own subconscious put them in this place specifically. It manually floated just to get here, based off the view the windows gave. The kitchen and dining room were combined and right next to it was the living room. To the right of the living room was a hallway that led to a broom closet, a bathroom, and a master bedroom.

None of the rooms had anything that caught their interest. The only thing worthy of mention was a framed picture of a couple on a dresser in the master bedroom. It was proof that someone was actually here. They were prepared to leave when they saw another hallway to the right of the one they were in now. Shrugging to themselves, they went to investigate. Might as well explore the entire thing.

Phasing through the door, they were surprised by the sight in front of them. It was another bedroom that wasn't as big as the other one and had a balcony. Unlike the rest of the apartment, it looked like a mess in here and dust wasn't covering every surface just yet. The bed was unkempt and the walls were decorated with drawings made on paper. Books were scattered everywhere as some were still on a bookshelf, some were on a dresser, some on the bed, and some on the floor. This room had more life to it than the rest of the apartment combined.

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