Jubilee Line

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"See ya next season, coach!" a man shouted as he waved.

"We'll be bringing home another trophy next year, alright!" a shorter man also waved.

"Go home, boys! Have a nice off-season!" a man in his mid-50's replied, getting into his car.

Today was finally the day he got to go home and relax with his family after a long season of basketball. As much as he loved the sport, he loved spending time with his loved ones more. He was currently the coach of the new reigning champions, the Battery City Killjoys, and has been for six years. The man played professional basketball himself when he was younger, spending 15 seasons in the league before retiring and becoming a coach. Though he was mainly a good starter and role player throughout his tenure, he managed to contribute to a few championship teams.

He worked his way up the ranks as a coach. From being the coach of a his high-school's basketball team (winning two championships in the process), to coaching for college basketball, to coaching overseas, to being an assistant coach for a few years, to where he is now. This was as much of a dream come true to him as it was being drafted into the league back then.

The man drove for about an hour from the airport to his home. During that time, he listened to old songs from his childhood and tuned into a radio program that was talking about his team's recent accomplishment ("The Killjoys' first title in 16 years!"). It felt so good hearing the praises that came from it. But it'll feel even better once he sees his family's faces in real life again as opposed to seeing it on a digital screen.

"Guess who's home!?" the man greeted as he closed the door of his house behind him.

"Daddy! You're back! You're back!" a child who looked to be no less than 8 years old ran over to the man and tackled him into a hug.

"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! WOOOOO!" another child who looked like he was in his teens shouted, wearing a cap that sported a sport team's logo.

"That's right, baby! Your daddy led the Leopard's to the championship! Give me a five!" the man enthusiastically responded, giving the teenager a high-five.

As the trio celebrated by the doorway, a woman walked over to them with a wide smile on her face. She stood on her toes to reach the man's height as she planted a quick kiss to his lips.

"Welcome home, honey. You're just on time! I was just preparing dinner!" she said, rushing back to the kitchen as the man followed.

"Oh, it feels so good to be smelling your cooking again! I missed this so much." he said as he embraced the woman from behind to which she giggled in response.

"Get off me, babe. I'm trying to put food on everyone's plates! Shoo, go sit in your chair and wait patiently." she playfully scolded, picking up a large pot filled with stew.

"Nah, he just got rejected by mom! Bro won a ring and then lost his other ring after getting home. That's tough, man." the teenager teased the man.

"You're lucky I'm on a good mood or else you're grounded." the man said, though there wasn't anything in his speech that suggested he'd carry through with the threat.

"There will be no grounding tonight unless it's for something serious. This is a time for celebration! Eat up, everyone!" the woman said as she served the stew into everyone's own bowl.

The family had a pleasant dinner as the man told stories about crucial games, locker room shenanigans, and off-court things him and the team did. When he was done, it was the kids' turns to tell what they've been up to whilst he was gone. They spoke about their grades at school, some drama that's been happening there, and that one teacher who was arrested for selling drugs. Luckily, he wasn't selling it to any of his students.

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