The Dam Of The River

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River was floating cross-legged above a seat in the Underworld Office, waiting for the rest of her co-workers to arrive. Boss scheduled an emergency meeting just a few minutes ago which wasn't something that occurred often. Whatever it is he called the meeting for must be serious enough to warrant it.

Of course, she would've been purposely late to the meeting just to poke fun at Boss but he put a stop to that by threatening to smack her on the head with his fan. She didn't feel like doing it anyway so it's fine

She also wouldn't mind being early to the meeting if she had someone to talk to but Boss said he was going to be informing the others as well which left River to wait alone at the office.

"Hurry up! Waiting alone is SO BORING!!!" thought River.

What could be a good way of entertaining herself at the moment? She could make a funny face while upside down to make Hayden laugh. Maybe she could also swim in mid-air! That could look goofy enough. Or maybe she could jumpscare Eugene-


"I hope newbie's doing well..." thought River once again.

Boss explicitly said not to visit the teen in order to make forgetting about the Underworld Office easier. So obviously, she visited Eugene every night, not talking to them to somewhat still be obeying Boss's orders.

Until she got caught by Boss himself during the ninth straight visit.

Who could blame her for visiting, though? She was worried for the kid. That worry was only enhanced when she saw them crying themselves to sleep every night she visited. She even recalls a night where they hugged their backpack so tightly it was like they were holding on for dear life.

Oh how she wished she could've talked to them. She wished she could've given the kid a big hug that was just enough to make up for the times they weren't. She can't even see them anymore as Boss restricted her from going to that part of the city. Heck, she can't even visit Sean at the flower shop anymore because of that!

Still, it's for the best... right? The next time she'll meet Eugene is after they've become successful, started a family, made meaningful relationships, and-


She just wishes Eugene will live a better life than her. Her life was cut so short, it felt like she didn't accomplish enough during it. It's all in the past now but she can't help but think of what could've been. What legacy could she have left behind if she were to have lived longer?

"Okay, that's enough contemplating! Time to think of something stupid now! Like a thirsty fish!" thought River.

A few seconds after, the other ghosts started floating in. Hayden was happily roaming about the office while Joan scoffed at the toddler's antics. Following the two was Boss who was waiting for Hayden to settle down.

"Hello, everybody!" greeted Hayden as he tumbled in the air.

"You seem happy today, Hayden." complimented River, a smile grazing her lips.

"Too happy. Get down from there! The boss called an emergency meeting for a reason! Back in my day-" scolded Joan as she waved her cane around and went on a rant about how they were supposed to be disciplined back in her day.

"Aww! Oh well!" Hayden pouted.

"I apologize for interrupting your patrols but this is important." started Boss as he made sure everyone was paying attention to him. "As you all may know, nightmares have been occurring more often lately."

"It's probably some monsters causing havoc." scoffed Joan.

"However, it has recently come to my attention that it is more widespread than we initially thought." said Boss.

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