The Culprit Behind The Nightmares

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Contrary to what was expected, the situation hasn't gotten worse... yet. There doesn't seem to be anything harmful about the dreams aside from giving the mortals a light scare. They aren't even recurring experiences most of the time. The most amount of times one person has gotten the nightmare more than once was three.

Therefore, it is not farfetched to assume that these only happen when something is nearby. Something that may be wandering the streets of the city. What it might want is still a mystery as no one has even seen what it looks like.

Things may soon be turning in the ghosts' favor, however. Boss has called another meeting to discuss a plan to capture the culprit and to find out more about it. Everyone, even Sean, was at the office at that moment waiting for Boss to make his appearance.

"I sure do hope this is fixed soon." whispered Sean. "Whenever the area around the flower shop is affected, I always feel so cold... Good thing mom hasn't had a nightmare yet." he sighed in relief.

"That is extremely lucky! Your area has had this happened five times now! Tsk. What a miracle." scoffed Joan as she put her right palm on her forehead.

"Hayden heard Boss saying that that place is one of the first to get the nightmares! The thing must really like flowers!" said Hayden.

"If that were true, shouldn't Linda have gotten a nightmare by now?" River asked the baby ghost.

"Uhh... maybe it likes Linda because she makes the flowers?" Hayden replied with uncertainty.

"Whatever the reason, that place has been getting nightmares since the very beginning! It must be connected to that place somehow!" exclaimed Joan.

"That's also what I've been thinking." Boss appeared out of nowhere (Sean loudly screeched). "Thank you for coming to another meeting, everyone. You too, Sean. Your attendance is much appreciated."

"A-Anything to keep my mother safe..." said Sean, still stunned by Boss's sudden appearance.

"So," Boss began. "We still haven't found nor captured the cause of these nightmares yet which is okay. What we did get are patterns in where they usually occur, their severity, how often one has them, all that.

As Joan has kindly mentioned earlier, they happen most often in the area around Linda's flower shop. We also found that there is no specific person getting affected and is most likely randomly selecting who will get it. Though we don't have much input on their severity, it is relatively harmless as of this moment.

We also found that these nightmares only happen during the night. It's afternoon right now so tonight, we'll simply camp out around the area until the sun goes back up, the culprit is caught, or if at least one of us is severely bruised. If we fail tonight, we can attempt to do it again the next night. Any questions?" Boss finished his long speech.

"Yeah, I thought I was banned from going there? Hmm?" asked River with a forced teasing smile.

"We'll need as much help as we can get so your ban will be temporarily removed." answered Boss. "However, you are still not-" he tried to warn River but she cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not allowed to visit Eugene. Bummer." she irritatedly said.

She's definitely going to visit Eugene tonight. All she needs is a good opening and it'll be quick. She just needed to see how they were doing. It's been too long since the last time she saw them.

"Umm... I have a... a question..." Sean nervously said.

"Ask away." Boss gave him permission to speak.

"What do we do if... if whatever this thing is starts... attacking us...?" he asked, his voice getting smaller with each word.

"Call us immediately. I'll be there as quickly as I can. Just manage for a few seconds or minutes, alright?" he reassured Sean to which the latter nodded.

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