Chapter 4: Flowershop

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As the two arrived at the flower shop, Lily looked at all the flowers. She picked up a bouquet of tulips and brought them to the cashier.

"Tulips. Those are my favorite flowers." The cashier smiled. She was an old lady who looked to be no older then 60.

"They're my mom's favorite." Lily said while pulling out her card to pay for the flowers.

"Let me pay for then Lily." Stan said giving the cashier his card.

"Stanley I don't need your money." Lily argued.

"Take it as a thank you for last night."  Stan replied. He watched as the cashier swiped his card. Suddenly his phone began to ring.

"Lily, I'm going to step outside to take this call. I'll meet you out there." Stan explained.

Lily nodded as he walked away.

"Young love." The old lady chuckled. Lily's face immediately turned red. "He's a keeper." She winked.

"We aren't dating." Lily tried to explain.

"Not yet." The cashier smiled.

Lily decided it would be better not to argue with the lady.

"Thank you for the flowers." Lily spoke.

"It's no problem. The man forgot his card." The cashier said holding up Stanley's card.

"I'll give it to him."  Lily said as the lady handed her his card.

Lily looked out the window of the store and saw Stan was still on the phone. She decided that instead of waiting for him outside she would look around the store.

Lily loved flowers just like her mother did. Her absolute favorite were daisies.

She saw a Daisy section among the flowers and stopped informing of them.

She picked up a bouquet and smelt them. Lily loved daisies very much. She placed the bouquet back and looked towards the door. She saw Stan waiting outside.

She decided she had been in the flower shop for too long and went outside too meet him.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." Lily replied.

"Before I forget, you forgot you card inside." Lily said as she took the card out her pocket and handed it to Stan.

"Thanks for grabbing it." Stan said.

"It's the least I could do." Lily smiled.

The two walked in silence to the hospital. It wasn't that far away.

Time seemed to move slower when it was silent.

By the time the two reached the hospital the sun was setting.

"Hi, I'm here to see Hailey Peterson." Lily told the receptionist.

"What's your name darling?" The lady asked.

"Lilian Peterson." Lily said.

"You can go in. 4th door on the right." The receptionist said.

Lily began to walk while Stan stood still.

"You coming Stanley?" Lily asked as she noticed he wasn't following her.

"Oh yeah." Stan said. He walked towards her.

"Your names Lilian?" Stan asked.

"Yeah." Lily replied.

"How come I'm just figuring this out now."

"You never asked."

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